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the weekend...

"Jodie is it okay if I go out tonight with my friend?" Sierra asked her stepdad. Even though she was eighteen she still wanted to respect the fact asking the adult there to leave.

"Yeah girl, you ain't gotta ask my ass. You grown have fun and stay safe." He said

Before she made it to her room Jodie called out after her while digging in his pocket.

"Here take this incase some shit go down." He handed her a $100 bill. Sierra had a job and her own money he still gave her some change to put in her pocket.

"Thank you!" She yelled hugging him.

"Thank you for what?" Jada walked into the living room standing between them.

Jodie playfully smacked his lips and handed her $50 dollars in ones to make it seem like a lot.

"Aha." Jada said with her tongue out flashing the money not knowing that Sierra had more.

Jodie and Sierra snickered at the same time causing Jada to get confused.

"Y'all weird." She told them with a scrunched up face.

Sierra made her way back to her room trying to find her outfit when her phone chimed.

Dooda🤪🧘🏽‍♀️: open
yo door bald head ho.

Sierra mentally rolled her eyes and ran to the front before running back to her room.

"The fuck?" Shay yelled out

"Chill Jodie in there, don't be cussing while he up in here."

"His fine ass can get up in me." She stuck her tongue out

"Nasty ass." Sierra playfully mugged her.

"So what you wearing? It needs to scream im a hoe but Christian."

"Okay first of all you going ta hell, second im not dressing like a hoe imma just wear some simple shit." Sierra muzzled from the closet making her voice low.

"Yes the fuck you is. Now move I'll find yo damn outfit." Shay pushed her gently making Sierra suck her teeth.

Shay pulled out a dress that had fish nets for the short sleeves and was all black with buttons going down the bottom.

"Where you get this shit from and why ain't never where it." Shay yelled at her

"Because it makes me look goth or some shit. I like the aesthetic look but ion wanna go overboard."

"Be different and where this with some vans the fuck." Shay rolled her eyes.

"Where you say this at again?"

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