First day of College

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After moving in with my best friends, Hanna, Aria, Alison and Emily to Iceland, we decided to start a fresh live without A or A.D torturing us, this year we were starting college, we had to choose a roommate to stay in with. I tried asking the girls but apparently they had a roommate already. So I just talked to them about something else trying to change the subject.

"So...what are we gonna do now...? I asked looking down a little and feeling sad."

"I don't know Spence, anything on mind?" Aria said asking.

"Netflix?' Alison put up an idea.

"Sure Ali" Emily said.

"LET'S WATCH THE KISSING BOOTH" Hanna yelled excitedly.

The four of us laughed and smiled at each other. I needed to take some fresh air because I was getting stressed out already so I told the girls I was going out for a little alone.

"Hey...guys? I'm going out for a little" I said nervously.

"You okay Spence?" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said.

"You seem worried babe" Aria said.

"But I'm not babe" I answered back.

"Okay, if you need help call one of us, promise?" Alison said

"Promise" I said.

Before going out I grabbed a bottle of water and then I walked out as if nothing had happened, when I was walking down the street I bumped into a hot and tall guy. Throwing his books to the floor I leaned down and grabbed them for him. Then I looked into his eyes and saw his face a bit familiar.

"D-do we know each other from somewhere?" I asked nervously but smiling.

"I don't think so, my name is Caleb. Caleb Rivers" he said extending his arms.

"My name is Spencer. Spencer Hastings" I said and extended my hand too, we both shaked it and then at the same time we both said "Nice to meet you" and we laugh a little.

"So I have to go to my house again but I'll see you soon again?" I said.

"Sure!" He said back.

I wrote my phone number on his phone and then I waved at him, I walked back to my house listening to some music with my headphone and then when I arrived I saw the girls using my computer and I noticed they were watching something. I went in the house and I walked to them and looked at the computer.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"We were waiting for you to come back so we could watch The Kissing Booth so we decided to play on the computer" Aria said laughing.

"Yeah and now that you are back I'll make popcorns so we can make it more fun the evening!" Hanna said.

"GO HANNA GO" Alison screamed smiling.

"HAHAHAHAHAAHA" Emily laughed. "We seem drunk!" She said again.

While Hanna prepared the popcorns I turned on the tv and then out on Netflix and searched for The Kissing Booth. After Hanna finished making the popcorns she filled a taper with popcorns inside. We got ready to watched the movie and we passed 2 hours watching it, finally we fell asleep until the next morning that was the first day of college.


It was Monday morning, 6:00 am and we were still asleep, 10 minutes later the clock alarms starts ringing and the first one to wake up was Aria. After she turned it off she woke me up first and I woke up the rest. We took turns to go to the bathroom and get dressed and then after I got dressed I walked to te kitchen and made breakfast for the 5 of us.

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