Dear Toby..

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Spencer's POV


[Hello everyone, my name is Spencer Jill Hastings. I'm a teenager who is 18 years old and I'm currently living in Rosewood with my family. I go to Rosewood's High School, with my best friends Hanna Marin, Aria Montgomery and Emily Fields. Two years ago our best friend Alison Dilaurentis had gone missing at 3am during my sleepover at the barn. But anyway, I'm writing on my diary because ever since I met this tall and nice guy called Toby Cavanaugh in school, my reputation and heart changed a lot. I wasn't feeling the same anymore, and the question is why? You wanna know? Well the answer to your question is that I had fallen in love with the hottest guy at school. Pretty unbelievable right? It could be if you didn't know me, but my friends know me, they know how much I talk about him. Yes, Spencer Hastings was crushing on someone, you can laugh if you want, hate on me, but I was actually feeling this cliche in my heart and this happiness. I know this is gonna be impossible for someone like him to like me back, but I still have many hopes, and I have many chances as Toby was single as well. For every crush I had through high school I wrote a letter expressing my feelings. I had 5 crushes in total, I wasn't able to date neither of those 4 ex-crushes. Toby was my fifth one. I'm not gonna lie, this letters are a treasure to me, they are my life. If these letters ever got exposed to the whole school, I would bury myself in my bed and never get out of it. I would be really ashamed if these letters ever get exposed by someone. I'm not ready to come out to Toby yet, I'm scared. But this won't stop me from living.. Now that I have written everything I needed, I'm gonna start the day, wish me luck.]


I was laying on my bed, awake, not wanting to get out and go to school. I wasn't being lazy, I was scared, nervous, my anxiety level was high, I didn't want to school today. I was scared Toby would go to school, and I'd fuck things up like I always do, I didn't want my anxiety level to be higher. But I didn't have any other options left, my parents would still make me go to school if I told them I was feeling sick, be part of the Hastings' family is hard. Your reputation must be always the best, you need to have A+ in everything. If you ever got an A- or a B, you wouldn't be able to go out of your room for a day, you wouldn't be able to use your phone. You would be inside your room, studying and thinking in what mistakes you could have done in the test. Nevertheless, I sat up and sighed. I got out of bed slowly and started getting undressed.
I grabbed my school uniform and got dressed, then I turned around and started making my bed.

"Spencer? Spencer! Breakfast is ready!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back and sighed.

It took me about 2 or 3 minutes to tidy my whole room and leave it like if it was part of a museum. I walked to the door and put my hand on the doorknob, I turned it all the way to the right and the door opened. I sighed again, putting my hand on my chest, and walked downstairs.
I walked to my kitchen and saw my mom making some pancakes. I smiled and said "Morning mom!" Then I walked to the kitchen table and took a seat.

"Good morning Spencer" She said, turning around to look at me and put the pancakes on my plate.

"How did you sleep hun?" My mom asked as she handed me the plate with the pancakes on it.

"Pretty good." I said smiling and grabbed the plate. "Thanks!" I grabbed my fork and knife and began to eat my breakfast.

"So um, hun after school you have your tennis match with your father, are you up to playing it or do you have any plans already?" Veronica asked.

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