Best friends or more?

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Hello, my name is Spencer Hastings and I'm going to talk to you about how I met Toby Cavanaugh, the guy of my dreams, who was my "crush" but no one would know.
So I just pretended he was just my best friend.

One day when I was walking on the street, currently walking to the brew, I bumped into him, he was just like in my dreams, hot, brunette with blue eyes, handsome, charming, the perfect guy you could imagine.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" I said nervously.

"Hey it's fine don't worry" he said smiling at me.

I started at him for a little and smiled at him, his smile was perfect. His eyes were the cutest. He was the perfect guy.

"M-My name's Spencer. Spencer Hastings" I said nervously but smiling.

"My name's Toby. Toby Cavanaugh" he said looking at me.

"You have a really nice name Spencer" he said and smiled.

"Thanks, so yours is" I said smiling.

"Thanks!" He said.

"Anyway, wanna hang out one day?" He asked curiously.

"Of course Toby" I said excitedly.

"Great! Here's my number" he said as he took out a paper and a pen and started writing his phone number on the paper. Then he gave it to me.

"Perfect! I'll meet you at 7pm at the grill Tonight?" I said smiling excitedly.

"Perfect, count with me Spence" he smiled and waved at me meaning he had to go.

"Bye Spence, I'll see you tonight!" He said and turned around.

"Bye Tobes!" I said and he started walking away. After he left I walked to my house.

When I arrived home, I started getting ready for the date I had with Toby as "friends".
I decided to put on a cute white dress.
Some hours passed and I could hear from my room a car noise, I thought Toby would have passed to pick me up so I put on my boots and walked downstairs, I opened the door and he was there standing staring at me.

"Wow..Spence, you look gorgeous tonight" he said staring at me down and up my body biting his bottom lip softly and smiling.

"Thanks! You look handsome tonight" i said staring at him smiling.

"Ready to go?" I said.

"Yeah! Let's go" he said and hold my hand. Then we both walked to his car and we got in.
He drove to the Grill.

Minutes later we arrived to the grill and we went in. We looked for a table and we sat down at one near the door.

"So? What do you wanna order tonight?" I asked.

"Um i don't know, meat with french fries?" He said and asked.

"Yesss! We could share?" I asked.

"Okay!" He smiled and the waiter came to us.
Toby ordered our dinner, the waiter took our order and then he left. Toby and I started getting closer and we started laughing at each other.

"Oh my god you're so funny!" I said laughing.

"Trust me I'm not" he said laughing.

"Oh yes you are" i said and kept laughing.

20 minutes later

The waiter came with our dinner, he served it to us and then he left. We started eating and talking. Toby was my best friend, actually he was my crush but I wasn't prepared to tell him yet so I just hided it.

One night we got drunk and we ended up in my bedroom having sex. We were drunk but we were sure what we were doing, we both wanted this so we started having sex.

"Oh god you're so good at this don't stop!" I said moaning and biting my lip.

"I love you so much Spencer" he said as he kissed my chest smiling.

"I love you more toby" I said as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed all my body down.

I could feel all the emotions at the same time, it felt amazing, he was really good at it and he made me happy. I only wanted him.

"I wanna live with you for the rest of my life Spence" he said smiling.

"Are you serious?" I said smiling.

"I'm serious, I want you to be my girlfriend, will you accept Spencer Hastings?" He said looking at me smiling.

"Yes! I wanna be your girlfriend Tobias Cavanaugh!" I smiles and kissed him.

He kissed me back and we kept doing it under the bed sheets. Suddenly we fell asleep.

We spent our whole life together, we got married 4 years later and I gave birth to 2 beautiful girls. We named them Marion Jill Cavanaugh and Sophia Alison Cavanaugh.
We were a happy family and the 4 of us had our happy ending. And that's what I call the Spoby Family. *laughs* I hope you liked my story spoby shippers! See you in the next one!

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