You hold the key to my heart...

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Thursday, July 5th 2018
Hello Everyone, it's me again, Spence! Today I'm going to tell you the story of how I started dating Toby. Hope you like it ❤️
It starts like this:

Today was Thursday, July 5th.
We were 5 in my house apart from Melissa and my parents, those persons where: Hanna, Aria, Emily, Alison, and I. 5 best friends doing a sleepover. We were watching Netflix as always, we were watching Riverdale to try a new tv show.
Everything was perfect until Hanna received a text from A. Again the hoe of A yay I say in my mind sarcastically.
All of us looked at Hanna.

"Who is it?" Alison asked.

"Uh's A" Hanna says scared.

"Oh my fucking god" Aria said.

"What what?!" I said looking at all the girls.

"What the fuck?!" Emily said freaking out.

"No no no, it can't be possible! After 7 years?!" I said freaking out and scared.

"Well it's true Spence.." Aria says looking at all of us scared.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe A came back after us again. It's impossible. I thought A was dead. I felt all the emotions at the same time, I wanted to kill A. I wanted to make this over.

"Guys I'm gonna go for a walk. I need to forget this..." I said looking down holding my forehead.

"Okay Spence, if we know something I'll message or call you" Hanna said worried.

"Thanks han, I love you guys" I said looking at them and then I walked out my house.

When I was walking around the town, I saw a guy crying and laying his back on a wall. I walked closer to him slowly looking worried.

"Hey! Are you alright? What's wrong?" I asked looking worried at him.

"h..hey..yeah i'm fi..fine" he said back pouting and wiping his tears away.

I walked to him and kneeled down.

"May I sit down with you?" I asked sweetly and smiling a little trying to comfort him.

"Sure.." he said looking at me.

I sat down with him and hold his hand. I looked at him and took a deep breath.

"What happened out there?" I tried asking calm.

"Oh well..a group of guys were making fun of me because "I killed someone"." He said crying.

"But did you?" I asked.

"No! I never killed someone in my life!" He said crying even harder.

"Hey it's okay! Look at me! Those who bullied you is because they are jealous of you, you are a really cute guy with amazing eyes and a really cute smile.." i said looking at him, holding his hand and smiling.

"Well..thank you...My name is Toby" He said holding my hand back.

"Spencer. Spencer Hastings" I said smiling at him.

2 weeks later...
It was now 25th of July and many things had happened since I met Toby.
I started feeling really good, I felt comfortable with him, like if he was holding the key to my heart, I could see he was in love with me, so I was.
"Hey..Spence? can I ask you something?" he said smiling at me.

"Sure Tobes! What is it?" i said smiling back at him.

He walked to me and kneeled down holding my hand.
"Spencer Jill Hastings..since the moment I met you my life changed, I felt like my heart started beating again and I started being happy for once, with you, I feel strong and special, you make me feel happy and you make me laugh even when I'm sad, you play scrabble with me and sometimes I beat your ass. *laughs*, you're a really strong and beautiful woman, you make me believe in myself and you make my dreams come true, you're the woman I want until I die, I want you in my life no matter what....will you make me the happiest man ever and be my girlfriend?" he asked smiling at me.

"Omg! Yes! Absolutely!" I smiled with tears rolling down my cheeks of happiness.
He stood up smiling and kissed me.
I kissed him back smiling. "I love you so much Toby Cavanaugh" I said

"I love you more than anything Spencer Jill Hastings" he said smiling at me.

9 pm.
After we finished dinner he walked to me and picked me up. He walked to our room holding me in his arms. He walked in and closed the door, then he laid me on bed taking my shirt off.
I smiled and unbutton his shirt then took it off.

"god you're so hot" i smirked and bite my lip.

"you're hotter" he smiled and slipped my pants and underwear down.

I looked at him smiling and biting my lip. I unzipped his pants and pulled them down smirking, then I pulled his underwear down.

"Are you sure?" he looked at me.

"totally" I nodded while saying it.

He looked at me once again and he started going in softly and gently.
I started to moan and grabbed him by the waist trying to pull him closer.
Toby kept going in, this time harder but still gently.
I started to moan louder than before.

"god you're so good at this" I said while moaning.

"you are too" he said and moaned a little.

We kept doing this all night until I started feeling tired.
We fell asleep.
*time jump*
1 year later we got married, we had a daughter called Isabelle Sophia Cavanaugh. She was 1 year old. We spent her first birthday in Disneyland. I could tell, our lives ended with the best happily ever after.

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