Once upon a night stand

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Spencer's POV
January 23rd, London, United Kingdom.

It all started that night, the night I was staying only for one night at the London Hotel, I was told, I guy bought the same room, so we had to share it. This guys was a total stranger, he was only 3 years older than me, I was only 17 and this guy was 20 years old.
Everything sounded weird and awkward but I never refused not to stay with the stranger and mysterious guy, I didn't agree either but I didn't have words. My mind was in blank, I wasn't able to say anything.
Suddenly, I heard someone trying to open the door and I started shaking a little.

Toby's POV
I arrived to the room which I had to share with this stranger girl I have never met before. I was completely scared, I wasn't ready to meet this stranger and sleep in the same room as her for one night.
I knocked on the door and took a deep breath.

"Coming!" The girl said.

"Okay!" I said.

I hear footsteps coming closer and i saw how the doorknob started moving.
The girl opened the door and I stared at her because of her cuteness, she was really hot and sexy, I wanted her to be mine already.

"Hi, you must be Toby Cavanaugh?" She said.

"The one and only" I said smiling.

"I'm Spencer Hastings!" She smiled.

"Come in" She said.

"Thanks!" I said and walked inside the room.

"Nice room!" I said.

"We'll have to share it if that's ok with you?" She asked nicely.

"It's fine with me" I said

"Perfect! Wanna do something tonight?" She asked.

"Sure! What do you wanna do?" I asked back.

"You'll see, just wait" She said.


That night..
Spencer's POV
It was 9pm and we were totally drunk, we were at our room but I still couldn't figure out how we would get drunk if we never went to a part or we didn't drink, unless I had forgotten about it.
I was on bed, naked and Toby was laying down with me, naked too. I saw him sitting up and sitting on top of me, then he leaned in and started sucking and kissing my neck leaving hickeys like in a road.
Everything was to confusing, but I was still enjoying the moment.

"I love you so much, Spencer" He said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too, Toby" I said smirking and looking into his eyes.

"Wanna make a baby?" The words came out of my mouth but I still meant it for real.

"Are you sure? Aren't we going to fast?" He asked but still I could feel he liked the idea.

"Yes, I'm 100% sure babe" I said smiling.

"Okay then" He smiled and bitted his lip.

He started going in slowly and gently while kissing my neck.

I started moaning and toby kept going a bit deeper but still gently.

"Oh god you're so good! Keep going! Don't stop!" I said while moaning loudly.

"I'm gonna go faster now" He said smiling.

He starts picking up the pace a little. Then he started sucking on my neck all down to the chest.

I closed my eyes, moaned louder and smiled.
"Oh my god do it faster baby!" I kept saying smirking.

He did what I said, he went faster and harder.
As I kept moaning, Toby kissed my shoulder and then he started moaning a little as he kept thrusting.

We did this for the whole night, it felt amazing and so good, he was so good at it and he was also so kind and hot, I was totally so in love with him, and by the way that he looked into me, he was also in love. I finally felt safe, happy and special.

2 weeks later. (time jump, you'll see why i did it and what happens next)
Toby's POV
After we did it every night, we always fell asleep cuddling, Spencer was too tired, TODAY it was 10am and she was still asleep, i was awake and I was laying down next to her rubbing her back a little. I smiled at her as she yawned on her sleep.
I got out of bed and got changed. I walked to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast waiting for Spencer to wake up.
I cooked some scrambled eggs with bacon and omelettes.

Spencer's POV
It was 10am and I started waking up really slowly, when I didn't see Toby in bed I started looking around the room and he wasn't inside, I got out of bed and got dressed quickly, then I walked to the kitchen and saw him cooking.
I smiled and walked to him quietly and covered his eyes with my hands.
I kissed his cheek and turned him around.

"Well hello gorgeous, how did you sleep?" He asked me and smiled.

"I slept really good how did you sleep handsome boy?" I asked laughing a little.

"I slept good too, thanks!" He said.

"What did you prepare for breakfast?" I asked curiously.

"Well I did some scrambled eggs with bacon and omelettes" He said.

"Hm, sounds amazing! May I eat a bit?" I asked.

"Of course you may eat" He said laughing a little.

"Thanks!" I said laughing too.

As he prepared a plate for me, I sat down on a chair and waited for him to finish and sit down too.
Some minutes later he hands me the plate with a fork and a knife and then he puts his plate with his fork and knife on the table and he grabs 2 glasses and 1 bottle of water.
He pours water in both of our glasses and we start to eat.

Toby's POV.
I started eating my breakfast while looking at Spencer as she ate and smiled. I was really in love with this woman, I wanted her to be mine already, and I remember I had a ring in my pocket with the box as if it was just bought.
So I made the decision to make her my fiancée.
I was really sure with this decision, so I stood up and kneeled down in front of Spencer.

"Oh my god Toby! Are you gonna do what I'm thinking?" I said already with tears in my eyes.

"Spencer Jill Hastings, since the day we met, I felt something in my heart that changed immediately, i knew, you were the right woman for me, and I started falling in love with you, you're the most amazing, beautiful, kindest, sweetest, hottest woman in the world, you make me feel safe, happy, special and important, you take care of me like if we were siblings, you are the Sp to my Oby, you are my other half, you are my everything, you complete my life baby. I wanna be with you until the day of our deaths...so..will..will you make me the happiest man and..will you marry me..? I said smiling at her with the biggest smile ever.


I hugged and kissed her back and slipped the ring into her finger picking her up and spinning her around.

And this is the story of how I met the love of my life Spencer Jill Hastings-Cavanaugh.
I can finally say this story of us got a happy ending, and as I promised her, we stayed together until death, we have 2 kids, they were twin girls, we called them Amelia Audrey Cavanaugh and Aurora Victoria Cavanaugh.

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