I know you

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June 6th, 2016
At Rosewood High School
Lunch Time

Spencer's POV
It was currently lunch time, the girls and I were sitting on a table outside the school. We were gossiping about the new girl at the school. Her name was Alison Dilaurentis. She was a tall, blonde girl, she was our age and she was also my new neighbor. The girl seemed nice, and Hanna seemed to like her already as a new member for our friendship group. I looked at Hanna with a serious look. "Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"Spence, she seems really nice, and that girl just came to this school and she probably has no friends." Hanna said.

"And we all need to move on and make friends, specially you Spence, you've been distant ever since Toby left town. It's been 5 weeks and you're like if you two broke up." Aria added.

"Yeah... You're right.. Fine let's do it." I said sighing.

"I'll go look after her and bring her here if she wants." Emily said.

"Ok. We'll wait here." Hanna said smiling.

"Alright." Emily nodded and started walking inside the school.

Emily's POV

I walked inside school, looking for Alison, who had arrived in Rosewood some days ago and just started school today. I didn't know much about her, just physically. I was looking for a blonde, tall with ocean blue eyes. My first guess of where she could possibly be at was the bathroom, so I walked there hoping I was right.
When I arrived there I pushed the door and walked inside. Alison was there, crying and looking herself at the mirror while wiping her tears away and fixing her make-up.

"Oh no, girl don't cry.." I said and closed the door, then walked to her. I opened my arms and hugged her softly.

She hugged me back, even though she didn't know me at all. "I'm sorry, I'm new here and I just got no friends at all and there's this bitch who called me out something horrible I don't even want to name it again.

"Let me guess, Jenna Marshall and her bitchy squad?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, her, she's a whore." Alison said and pulled away the hug.

"I know, anyway, my name is Emily Fields." I said smiling and extended my hand to shake.

"Alison Dilaurentis. Nice to meet you Emily." Alison said smiling and extended her hand, shaking it with me.

"Em, call me Em." I said smiling.

"Alright Em. Thank you for being so sweet with me." Alison said softly.

"Everyone deserves a warm welcome to this school, Ali. I have a group of friends and we discussed about something. We want you in our group. You seem really nice and lovely." I smiled brightly.

"Really? That's amazing! You all are so sweet already." Alison brightly smiled and blushed softly.

"Aww, let's go, follow me!" I smiled and guided Alison out of the bathroom, and led her outside the school and to our table.

*some minutes later*

Hanna's POV
Alison and Emily arrived to our table, Aria, Spencer and I looked at them. Spencer introduced us and then they both seated, one next to each other. The 4 of us told Alison some of our things that she needed to know in order to be our friend, for example, family, siblings, and some things she needed to know about the school, general things.
The 5 of us were officially a group of friends, with our new member, our bond was getting even closer and powerful. We were already having fun and we laughed and smiled in all of our conversations.

"Gosh, where have you been all this time girl. You're literally so funny and sweet." Spencer said giggling still.

"Yess, she's right." I added.

"Aww you guys are amazing, thank you for making me feel part of this." Alison said smiling.

"You're so welcome, everyone deserves to be welcomed here." Aria said smiling.

"Right, and you shouldn't be judged before getting known, because you're like an angel." Emily said smiling.

"Spencer? Isn't that Toby walking towards us?" I said and looked at Spencer.

Spencer turned around and she immediately stood up slowly. She looked at us and Aria told her to go get her man.

Spencer's POV
I started running to Toby still in shock about him coming back to town, it's been 5 weeks since he left for work. Tears of happiness started rolling down my cheeks and when we both got closer to each other, we hugged tightly and he spun me around softly and gently. "No please, don't let me go like that ever again." I said while still hugging him and buried my face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry."
Toby rubbed my back softly and held me in his arms. He lifted my chin up softly and rubbed his finger against my cheek. "Spencer you don't have to be sorry, I know you. And I love you so much." He said smiling brightly.

I smiled brightly and kissed him deeply and passionate. "I love you so much more." I said smiling and laughing still in shock, then I hugged him again.

"I've missed you like hell." I said pouting.

"I've missed you like hell as well." He said smiling and kissed my forehead.

"Come on, let's go with the girls, there's someone I need to present to you. Her name is Alison Dilaurentis." I said and held his hand softly.

"Alright, love. Let's go." He said smiling and held my hand back.

We walked to the table where the girls and I were having lunch. Alison looked at Toby and raised an eyebrow confused. "Who's him?" Ali asked whispering to Hanna.

Hanna whispered back saying "That's Toby Cavanaugh, Spencer's boyfriend."

"Ooh gotcha, thanks" Ali said and waved at him smiling. "Hi Toby! I'm Alison."

Toby's POV
I looked at Alison and smiled softly. "Hi Ali! Nice to meet you." I said and looked at Spencer.

"Nice to meet you too!" Ali said smiling.

"So girls, Toby and I wanted to kinda skip school and spend time together a bit. So can any of you tell the headmaster that I got sick while eating lunch and had to head home?" Spencer looked at me and then at the girls as she asked them to do her a favor.

"I'll make sure of that!" Hanna said smiling.

"Now go have fun love birds." Aria said giggling.

"And make sure to come back before 12am cinderella!" Emily said chuckling.

"Don't forget the magic dress! Make sure you look stunning if you go out!" Alison said trying to join in the trend and all of the girls giggled.

"Let's go babe." I said and looked at Spencer smiling.

She nodded softly and smiled. We both walked away while holding hands and we headed to Spencer's house, where we were planning to spend the rest of the day together, and alone. We were planning to have our night, with scrabble, movies and probably have some fun under the sheets if the time was enough. When we arrived to her house, we walked in and began our little journey.

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