Nothing but the Truth.

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Please read this:
So before I start my one shot, I wanna say that i got inspired by another spoby Wattpad account @spobyxau! So im going to give credits to her for inspiring me! Just for y'all to know!

Spencer's POV
I was downstairs eating some scrambled eggs when I heard a scream and someone crying loudly. Immediately I stood up and ran upstairs to my room.
"Omg! Emma!" I said while I saw Caleb hitting her back.
Emma was my 5 year old adoptive daughter, I was married to Caleb and so far he was her father.

"Mommy! Help me!" Emma cried and screamed. Then, I ran to Emma and Caleb and pushed him away while picking Emma up.
Emma buried her little face into my shoulder and bursted into tears.

"Are you insane Caleb?! She's only 5! What were you thinking?! Killing her?! Why did I marry a person like you!" I said angry and almost crying.

Caleb had hit Emma so hard. He caused bruises on her back on some on her legs and arms. When I saw Emma's body I started freaking out and I was shaking. I didn't know what to do, I was shocked. I grabbed the car keys and Emma's jacket incase she was cold. I went to the car and drove directly to Rosewood where her father was.

"Mommy? I want my daddy now!" Emma said crying and she held my hand and squeezed it tightly as she was sad and scared at the same time.

"We'll find him today princess..I promise you I won't give up until I find him..and you'll have your daddy" I said holding back her hand and looking at the front.

*2 hours later*
Toby's POV
I had just arrived to the Brew. I went to the cashier and ordered my coffee to go home and help Jenna with her stuff.

Once I got my coffee, I grabbed my computer and my jacket to get ready and go home.
Suddenly, I heard someone crying behind me. I turned around and there was a little girl who seemed lost and was looking for her mother.

I put my stuff down on the table, I kneeled down and looked into the little girl's eyes and started talking to her.

"Oh, hi there little girl" I said, then I picked her up and stood up holding her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kept crying. "Hey..Hey it's going to be okay, we'll find your parents, don't worry." I comforted her. Then I started walking around the brew looking for her mother.

"How's your mother called kiddo?" I asked curiously still looking at that woman.

"Spencer. Spencer Hastings!" The little girl said smiling a little.

"S-Spencer Hastings?" I said shocked because she had moved and had a nice family, of course she did, she had a husband, but I finally saw her happy with her beautiful daughter that had her own eyes and the same smile.

"The one and only!" She said smiling a little.
"H-H-How do you know her?" She said scared and her smile faded.

"We met a while ago, we are old friends.." I said holding my tears back trying to be strong.

"Anyway, what's your name, princess?" I asked changing the subject.

"Emma Hastings" She said giggling. "I'm smart as my mommy! And she said I was beautiful as my daddy too!" She said almost laughing.

"Let's go find your mommy" I said while holding Emma.

"Oh my god! Emma!" Spencer screamed and started running to where I was with Emma.
She hugged Emma really tight and didn't let her go. "I was so worried! Where have you been?! Thank god you are safe!" She said still hugging Emma tight. "Thank you so-'' Spencer stopped the sentence and looked at me shocked. "Toby, hey!" She said giggling.
"Spencer, hey!" I said, I chuckled and giggled a little hugging her. "Spencer Hastings!" A waitress called out her name and she walked to the cashier to receive what she had bought.

One true love story (spoby one shots series)Where stories live. Discover now