May we meet again

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6 months passed since Toby and I started dating, we were finishing high school and 2019 was coming up soon.
I could see that Toby was acting really weird and I knew he was hiding something from me.
He always seemed to act nervous and a little down.
So I walked to Toby and asked him:

"Hey babe, what's wrong? You seem nervous and sad, is everything okay?" I asked curiously knowing he was hiding something.

"Hey Spence...i'm not okay...I need to tell you something..and I hope you don't get mad at me...I hope you can understand this...." He said looking down almost pouting.

"Toby you're worrying me...are you okay?" I asked again starting to get worried.

" know we are finishing high school right?" He said.

"Yeah I know Toby, why are you saying this?" I asked.

"Then comes I will have to go to Oxford and I don't know when I will be able to come back..." He said almost crying and fighting the tears.

"Oh god...I think I'm gonna cry" I said as tears started to came to my eyes.

"No please..don't cry..I'll visit you if I can okay? Or you can, but we won't loose each other Spence, I love you okay? I'll do everything I can to bring you with me or visit you daily." He said holding my cheeks and wiping my tears away.

"I love you too Toby..But I'll miss you a lot..I don't know If I'll go through life without make me strong...I'm nothing without you..." I told him while looking at him.

"You're a Hastings, you are perfect no matter what, and i'll be there for you even if we aren't close, I'll support and love you always baby" He said and kissed my forehead.

I could barely smile from the sadness I had, I couldn't believe Toby was leaving to Oxford and I wouldn't be able to hug and kiss him. I couldn't believe I wouldn't see his smile anymore, I felt sad and heartbroken.
This time arrived, the time I'd be away from the love of my life until I could go visit him. It was all over now.

"I'm gonna miss you toby...when do you leave...?" I asked looking down, wishing the answer would be after we finished high school.

"3 months later we finish high school hopefully" he said smiling a little.

"omg! yay! at least we can spend 3 more months together" I smiled.

"yeah! that's the amazing part" he said smiling a lot.

One night..
We were playing scrabble as every night to enjoy the last months we had together, every night it was the same, playing scrabble and having some fun under the sheets😏. Until the moment we did it and we decided to start a family together. Yes. It means that. We made our first baby together.

"I love you so much Toby" I smiled at him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you more Spence" he smiled at me holding me tight.

"The worst thing is that we made a baby and you will be gone in three months..." I looked down pouting

"And I'll be back before you give birth my love, I'll be gone for 3 months, no more" he said lifting my chin up.

"Do you promise?" I asked.

"I promise" he said back.

After we talked we put the game on the floor and we fell asleep as it was 1 am.

The next morning
I woke up and Toby wasn't laying in bed, so I woke up and walked downstairs. I saw him making breakfast so I walked to him quietly and covered his eyes with my hands laughing and smiling.

"Good morning!" I said smiling.

"Good morning" he smiled and turned around. He kissed me and pulled me closer.

I kissed him back smiling and blushing.

The same day we spent it with the girls and Caleb and Ezra. We were at the brew having some fun enjoying the day.

"So how are you guys?" Hanna asked.

"We're really good" Toby said smiling at me and holding my hand.

"We're enjoying the time before Toby has to go" I said smiling and holding his hand back.

"Awe that's good!" The girls said.

(i'm gonna do a time jump because this is getting long lol)

3 months later.
Today was the day in which Toby had to go, he was leaving me for 3 months, knowing that I was pregnant I wouldn't be able to handle those months alone. I was sad and scared.

"I don't want you to leave me Toby!" I started to cry.

"Hey..don't cry Spence...I'll be back really fast.." He said trying to cheer me up and trying not to cry.

"I'll miss you so much.." I said still crying.

I hugged him really tight and cried into his shoulder burying my face.

"I'll miss you more than anything" He said while holding me in his arms.

"It's time for you to go right?" I said wiping my tears away

"Yes Spence, it's time.." He nodded. He kept holding me tight and couldn't let me go.

"Do you have everything ready?" I asked.

"Yes I do." He said and stopped hugging me.

He grabbed my waist and picked me up to make me feel better. He kissed me and started spinning me around.

"Toby!" I laughed and kissed him back.

"Yes baby?" he smiled.

"Put me down!" I laughed.

"Okay" He put me down and grabbed his luggage. Then he opened the door and started walking away.

"Wait!" I said.

He turned around and looked at me. "Yes Spence?" he asked.

"May we meet again" I said and ran to him and then I hugged him tightly.

"May we meet again, Spence." he hugged me back tightly.

I hugged him for a little more but then stopped hugging him. "Goodbye Toby" I said

"Goodbye Spence" he said smiling at me.

Then he walked out of our house and got in the cab. I couldn't believe he was gone. But I knew, he would be back again soon and we would start our very beautiful and new family.

One true love story (spoby one shots series)Where stories live. Discover now