A day with the sweet boy

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Today it was July 14th of 2018, it was summer holidays for me and my best friends Hanna, Alison, Emily and Aria.
We decided to met up at Aria's house to plan our summer holidays.
I drove to Aria's house.
When I arrived, we all went in Aria's house and we hugged each other.
We sat on the couch holding a computer between my legs.
"So? Where do you wanna go girls?" I asked.

"What about New York?" Hanna asked putting up a place to go.

"Um I don't know, maybe we should go to Miami?" Alison refused to Hanna's idea and she made up another one.

"Ooh cool! Yeah! Miami and Disney World!" Aria said smiling.

"YES OMG DISNEY AND MIAMI FOR 3 WEEKS!" Emily and I said at the same time smiling and laughing.

All of us laughed and looked at each other with a bright smile as never before. We were all so happy to have the first summer holidays the 5 of us. I knew, this were gonna be the best summer holidays ever. And I was happy to know that my best friends will be there with me.

"Let's buy the plane tickets!" Aria said smiling.

"Okay!" The rest of us said looking at the computer then at Aria.

We bought the plane tickets and then we went into Disney World's page and we bought 2 suits for the 5 of us in a hotel inside Disney. Then created our "magicbands", those bracelets are for us to enter to the parks and use it for the FastPass+ for the rides we want to ride when the queue line is long.

"We're going next week right?" I asked curiously.

"Yup" Hanna said. "July the 24th"

"Oh! In 10 days! Awesome!" I said really happy.

"Do you girls wanna do something now?" Alison asked.

"I have to do something at my house, my mom needs me for something." Emily and I said.

"Oh, well then see you in a week?" Alison said.

"Yeah! Or even before" I stood up. "Bye girls love you all" i said and then i walked out Aria's house.
I got in my car and drove home. Minutes passed and I arrived home. When I got out of the car, I saw a tall and hot guy crying and laying his back on the wall. I walked to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him.

"Hey, it's nothing i'm fine.." he lied and wipes his tears away.

"I know when someone is lying, talk to me" I told him and sat down next to him.

"My name is Spencer. Spencer Hastings" I said looking at him trying to cheer him up a little at least.

"Toby. Toby Cavanaugh, nice to meet you, Spencer." He said looking at me smiling a little.

"Spence. Call me Spence" I said smiling at him.

"You have a cute smile" he said on a cute way.

"Thanks! So you have it too" I said blushing a little.

"Wanna hang out a little?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said and looked at him.

We started hanging out, we became best friends really fast, he wad my first best guy friend.

Weeks have passed and Toby and I started feeling something for each other more than friends, i said in my mind that he was the boy of my dreams. That guy who would care of me till death. It felt amazing.

One day, Toby and I were at a restaurant having dinner together as friends.

"You look gorgeous as always" he said smiling.

"Thanks! You look handsome too" I said blushing and smiling.

"Thanks!" He said. "So um there's something I need to tell you Spence" he looked at me and then he hold my hand.

"Tell me Tobes" I said looking at him

Toby stood up, he looked at me and kept holding my hand, he kneeled down.

"Oh my god Toby, are you doing what I think?" I said almost crying.

"Yes. Spencer Jill Hastings, since the moment I met you, my life changed, so my heart did, I fell in love for you the second you came to me, you were there for me since day 1, you make me happy, you make me feel special, you make me company when i'm alone and we play scrabble or we cuddle watching a movie, you're the girl I want to live with till death do us apart, and I wanna ask you this right now, Spencer Hastings, will you make me the honor to be my girlfriend and start a life together until death do us apart?" He said smiling at me

"Yes! 100% percent yes! I love you so much Toby Cavanaugh!" I said and started to cry looking at him and I hugged him and kissed him.

Since that day, I can say my happy ending came and I lived happy for the rest of my life.
After this happened, weeks

2 weeks later
As I promised the girls in 2 weeks we would go to Disney World in Miami.
Leaving Toby apart was going to be hard but I knew I was with my best friends.
We stayed there for 2 weeks and we really had fun, it was the best holidays ever in my life, Disney world was magical, my dreams came true and the girls were really happy.
I started being happy again, and I knew this was only the beginning of my new life.

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