Truly madly deeply in love

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Spencer's POV
Rosewood, July 13th, Prom day.
It was already 10 am and I was laying on the couch while eating a bowl of cereals with milk and watching tv. Today was a special day. It was Prom day, where guys of Rosewood's High School invite girls to prom obviously.
I haven't had a boyfriend in ages, probably since I was 14. I knew no one would invite me to prom so I wasn't that excited to go to tonight's event. Even tho of course Hanna would make me go as she always wanted me to be at every event. Typical of Hanna Marin.

I sighed and stood up, I grabbed my phone and put it inside my pocket which was in my jeans.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I started drinking fast thinking about calling Hanna.

"Spencer?? Where are you??" My mother shouted my name from her room which was upstairs.

"In the kitchen mom!" I shouted back sighing again and feeling in a bad mood. I turned on my phone and unlocked it. I touched the phone app and looked through my contacts trying to find Hanna's.

"Okay sweetie! I'm coming downstairs then!" She shouted once more and walked downstairs wearing her lawyer uniform.
"What are you doing? Did you have breakfast?" She asked looking at me and seeing I was still wearing my pajamas.

"Oh umm I'm just trying to call Hanna, and yeah I had breakfast no more than 2 minutes ago.. You have to go to work I guess?" I looked at her pouting slightly and feeling lonely.

"Yeah baby, I have work, but I promise I'll come back today at 5pm, before your father comes." She smiled a little while looking at me.

"Oh, okay! Great! Good luck at work!" I smiled and walked to her. I hugged her tightly not wanting to pull away.

"Spence.. You know I have to go.." My mom looked down at me as she was holding me in her arms and rubbing my head softly.

"I know.. I just feel safer and happier when I'm with you.. I'll let you go.." I said looking down as tears started running down my cheeks and I started to feel even more lonely.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I love you okay?" My mom said as she lifted my chin up and kissed my forehead.

"I know.. and I love you too mom" I said smiling a little. "Go now, I'll be waiting for you here and doing some homework" I said and lied about doing my homework, I was actually going to be phone calling Hanna and talk about this Prom we all had tonight.

"Good girl, I'll see you in a few hours baby." Mom said as she walked out of our house and drove to her work.

I quickly grabbed my phone again and dialed Hanna's number. I sat down on a chair, biting my lip, and hoping to get an answer as soon as possible.

Hanna's POV
I was laying on bed while watching Netflix and I heard my phone rang. I stopped the episode I was watching of Shadow Hunters and grabbed my phone. I saw it was Spencer and I picked up.

"Hey Spence, what's up?" I asked smiling.

"Hey.. you know tonight we have prom right..?" Spencer said and her voice started to crack, as she would be almost about to have a break down.

"Yeah i know, are you okay? What's wrong? Do you just feel like not going?" I said and bit my lip nervously.

"Well, I don't have anyone to go with.. I haven't had a boyfriend since probably when I was 14.." Spencer sighed and tried holding her tears.

" you need help finding a date? I have many guys' contacts. Most of them are from school." I said softly trying to comfort her.

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