Let's Escape

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Spencer's POV
I couldn't believe A appeared again, this time he kidnapped Hanna, Aria, Emily, Alison and I, in a new dollhouse, but this time the doors where secured a lot much better than the first time when A kidnapped us. I was pregnant 6 months when A kidnapped us, with twin girls. It was a nightmare for me, I was scared the babies could get hurt and I didn't want to lose them.

I woke up, with a jail uniform, the room was just identical to mine, my wardrobe, my bed, the photos I had. Everything, but only one thing was different. When I stood up I walked to the windows and wall would only appear.
I started to scream, I grabbed a chair and pushed it to the window trying to break the glass and then I started hitting the wall but it wouldn't break.

Hanna's POV
The bitch of A had kidnapped us again, it was a living hell that wouldn't stop annoying us never, year after year something new would bring A to the game, now A brought a Dollhouse 2.0, but a lot much dangerous than the first time. We were 5 girls underground in a dollhouse, we thought there was no escape, we were hungry, thirsty, scared, we hadn't been eating for almost 4 days.
There was no way out. I was freaking out. We couldn't take showers, nothing. We were dirty, in jail uniform, we were tired.

The room I was in, was just the same as my room, I was shocked, I wanted to cry and scream, I needed my mother, I needed Caleb, I needed my daughter, Jade, she was 5 years old. I was worried about her, Caleb, and my mom.

Emily's POV
Waking up in a room that wasn't my room was just really spooky, literally everything from this room which was underground was the same as my home.
But I wasn't the only one in here. Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Alison were here too. we were locked in our rooms and there was no way out. I was really scared but I walked to the camera, looked up and said: "You won't get what you want! Leave us alone!".
All I wanted to do was open the door and run away screaming for help. But i knew that it wasn't going to be easy to escape.

Alison's POV
I was laying on bed, tried to think of a way out from this dollhouse, thoughts wouldn't come up to my mind. I was crying and shaking. I was too scared and I thought I would die inside this place next to my friends. All I wanted to do was scream and beg for help, I wasn't ready to get tortured again after 5 years by A.
I was hungry, thirsty, cold, scared, mad, sick.
I wanted this to end for once and to kill A or take him/her/it to jail and the game would be over.
I kept thinking for 10 minutes but nothing would come up. Hoping something would come up to my mind I closed my eyes and took a nap.

Spencer's POV
It took me 10 minutes to get an idea to get out of here, then I remembered A had chipped each of us in the neck. The only thing we needed to do was try to contact Caleb and the boys so they could follow the track of our chips.
I stood up, walked to the door and they got opened by their own. This seemed weird until I heard a voiceover saying: "Please follow the pathway".
Scared of what I was doing, I followed the rules and walked out of my room, all the girls did the same.

"OMG! ARIA! HANNA! ALI! EM!" I screamed and cried. I hugged all of them in a grupal hug really tight as I was the youngest out of the 5, and I was the first one to be pregnant. The girls were 24, and I was 20 almost 21. (p.s. yes spencer is the youngest in this one shot)

"I'm so scared!" I kept saying and crying.

"I know you are, we are all scared, but I promise, we'll find a way of getting out of here." Alison said.

"We should follow the freaking pathway and see where it takes us now." Hanna said.

"Yeah, you're right" Aria said.

"I'm scared the twins could die..." I said holding my stomach as they started to kick softly.

"No! They won't! We'll protect them!" Aria said holding my hand.

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