Tears in my heart

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It was a normal day in the Cavanaugh's house, Spencer was playing with their daughter Amelia, who is 5 years old, while Toby was working in their room.
Every day was the same thing, the 3 of them where living the best life ever.
Until something happens to Spencer..

"Toby?" I shouted as I started to feel really dizzy than normal.

"Yes babe?" "Is everything okay downstairs?" He shouts back from his room.

"No, can you come?" I stood up from the floor and started looking pale as a ghost.

"Coming!" He says and runs downstairs. "What's wrong Spence? Are you feeling okay baby?" He asks as he walks closer to me.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Amelia interrupts getting worried with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy will be okay sweetie" Toby says. "Why don't you go to your room and watch tv?" he says.

"Ok!" Amelia smiles as she runs to her room.

"I-I'm feeling r-really b-bad, a-as if I-I was about t-to di-die" I say trying to get the air back.

"look at me, it will be okay, sit down okay? Do you want me to call a doctor?" Toby asks getting worried.

"Y-Yes p-please!" I say bursting into tears and sitting on a chair slowly.

Toby immediately calls an ambulance, and holds my hand tight and rubs it.

I look into his eyes crying and squeezing his hand tightly.

"Hello? We need an ambulance, it's an emergency! My wife isn't feeling okay and she needs to get checked up ASAP." Toby says to the paramedics while looking into my eyes.

Paramedics: "We will send an ambulance now sir, we will be there in 10 minutes approximately."

"Thank you" Toby hangs up the phone.

"Are you feeling a little better?" Toby asks.

"No, it's getting worser!" I squeeze his hands tightly not wanting to know what was going on with my body.

"I'm scared! What if I die? I can't leave you and Amelia..not yet..." I say scared.

"No! You won't die okay? I'll protect you!" Toby says holding me.

"Do you promise?" I say.

"I promise." He says.

10 minutes later...
We heard a knock at the door, so I asked Toby if he could go open the door as I could barely move.

"The doctors are here Spence!" Toby says.

"Tell them to come in" I say.

The doctors walk in and Amelia runs down from her room also.

"Daddy? Mommy? What's going on?" She asks.

"Nothing baby, don't worry" I say.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Totally" I say feeling bad for lying to her.

"Wanna go play with your dolls?" Toby says.

"YES!" Amelia says and runs to the playground we have.

"Spencer Jill Hastings?" The doctor says my name out loud and I look up at him.

"Yes?" I say.

"We will need to take you to the hospital to check your body up. Is that okay with both of you?" He asks.

"It is" We both say.

"Perfect, let's go to the ambulance" the doctor says and walks to the ambulance.

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