Am I losing myself?

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Radley Sanatorium
Thursday 8th November 2016
Spencer's room (POV)

Spencer's POV
Spencer's notes
[ I was writing in my notebook, counting days and weeks, it's been 3 weeks since I went psycho and my parents decided to take me to Radley. Here I am now, a psycho bitch, lost and alone. The reason I ended up here was because 3 weeks ago I had found about Toby's death. It was Mona, who teamed up with Jenna and Noel to kill him, or that's what I thought I saw. I was in the woods walking around because I needed time for myself and I saw a body, with a motorcycle next to it. You may be wondering how I knew it was Toby and not any other body, well Toby has a tattoo in his back, near his waist. The tattoo says 901 Free At Last. The dead body had the same tattoo. That's when I went crazy, I started gasping for air and ended up knelt on the floor, staring at the dark sky, as I whispered his name.

I know you're wondering what happened to the old me, why did i turn like this, the real reason is because I got pregnant some weeks ago Toby's death. We were expecting a child, and when I realized I had to take care of it by myself I got scared and started freaking out. My best friends tried to calm me down but I wouldn't listen to anyone. Turns out I was blocked, and the voice inside my head started speaking, giving me negative opinions and controlling me. You would say I was stupid and I still am probably, but you didn't have to suffer the same things I did.

I spent day after day, nights awake hoping this was just a nightmare, but it isn't. I couldn't accept the reality, I was shocked and confused. I felt like my heart had just stopped, I felt lonely and lost. I felt my life was over.

Now I'm almost 2 months pregnant, and I'm wishing a miracle happens and Toby happens to be alive and he is safe at the hospital. But I can't leave Radley until I get better, so I can't check if he's alive or not. ] (WARNING: ALL OF THESE ARE PART OF HER NOTES INSIDE HER NOTEBOOK)

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door and I looked up at the door as I closed my notebook. "Come in." I said in a nervous tone as I started twirling a strip of hair around my finger.

"Hey Spence..Do you remember me? It's Aria." Aria said from the outside of my room.

"Yes I remember you Aria, you're my tiny one." I said smiling slightly and giggling.

"Thank god.. We need to talk." She said as she walked in the room and closed the door.

"About?" I asked curiously.

"There are news about Toby..Spencer he's not dead, he was found alive some hours ago." Aria said smiling at me.

"What? Are you kidding me? I swear I saw him dead 3 weeks ago at the woods.. He can't be alive." I said confused.

"Turns out it was a body from another person with the same tattoo as Toby. Spence, please, it's been 3 weeks since you've been here.. you're pregnant and the baby can't really be in places like this, you need to come home..Toby's going to your house right now to explain everything.." Aria said sighing and grabbing my hand slowly.

"W-When did this happen? Where was he all this time? He left me pregnant like that..He never called me.." I said looking down, as my eyes filled up of tears.

"Look I don't know, the good news is he came back okay? We were all worried and we all thought he was dead. He left us all. When can you leave this place?" Aria asked me softly.

"I-I'm supposed to be able to go out today." I said wiping my tears away and sighing in relief.

"Well that's good, I'll go ask a doctor if you can go." Aria said smiling.

"Alright thank you Ari." I said smiling.

"Welcome, Spence." Aria said smiling and walked out of my room.

*1 hour later*
*at Spencer's house*

I was at home with Aria, we were in my bedroom upstairs, talking and gossiping about things. The main topic was obviously Toby and his mysterious disappearance for those 3 weeks. Everything went by pretty normal and fast until we heard a knock, coming from the other side of the door. We both looked into each other's eyes and Aria moved her eyes to the door and then she looked at me.
I stood up and walked over to the door, I held the doorknob with my hand softly and took a deep breath, then I opened the door.

There he was, the same charming, handsome and hot boy, Toby hadn't changed a bit physically. I stared into his eyes shocked and started to cry immediately, and without saying words, I hugged him tightly and buried my face into his shoulder.

Toby's POV
I hugged Spencer really tightly as well, and I apologized to her for leaving town like that and making her believe I was dead when I wasn't.
"I'm so freaking sorry, Spencer it wasn't my intention. I love you so much, I love already love our baby, who is in your stomach. I promise I'll never leave you, ever again." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks and I held her in my arms.

"You're so stupid for doing that, you should have texted me or called me, I got so fucking stressed and I went crazy and got sent into Radley.. Please never do that again, you almost killed me of fear. I love you so much and I can't loose you.." Spencer said crying still hugging me.

I softly lifted her face up and stared into her brown eyes. "I promise you, I'm never leaving you again." I said softly and kissed her softly.

Spencer kissed back and smiled from happiness, still not believing what was happening, she started to cry from happiness and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Well- I think I should go." Aria said from the back.

I giggled "Nah, you can stay Aria, spend the day with us." Then said

"Yeah Aria! Come on! We need a team Sparia and a team Aroby!" Spencer said giggling

"Woah you're good at making those names" Aria said giggling.

"Thank youuu. Now let's go!" Spence said.

The 3 of us walked downstairs and left Spencer's house, we went for a walk and we ended up staying at the brew for a coffee where we met with the rest of the girls and the boys. All of us, as a group once again, spent the evening together talking and doing our things. All of us had an amazing time, and Spencer started to smile again after those 3 weeks she spent in Radley. This was clearly a new start for all of us, and a new path to our happiness.

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