All I want for Christmas is you...

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Toby's POV
It was almost Christmas, I was getting my house ready with all the stuff around it with the help of my best friend Spencer.
We met since we were just 2 years old. She's like my sister, the only sister not from blood but my closest sister. She has always been there for me, until one day. Because of the christmas day, everything changed.

Spencer's POV
Christmas was arriving, every day less time for my favorite day of the year, I was at my best friend's house. Toby's house. I volunteered to help him finish decorating the whole house.

"Tobess? Do you like what I just decorated?" I showed him all the walls that were just decorated with Christmas lights and then I smiled.

"Omg I love them!" He said smiling. "Thank you for helping me to decorate my house, Spence. I owe you a big one now" He laughed.

"Nooo don't worry, I wanted to help anyway" I laughed.

Toby's POV
I smiled at Spencer and thanked her for helping me to decorate the house.
After that we went to my room and we laid down and we watched Netflix all day and cuddled each other.

"You're really the best friend ever anyone could ask for Spence." I said and smiled.

"Aww, that touched my heart Toby. I love you so much!" She said smiling and blushing.

"You just blushed!" I said holding her cheeks smiling.

"No I didn't!" She lied but smiled.

"Yes you did!" I said giggling.

"Fine! I did blush" She said blushing again.

Many hours passed until it was 11:50pm..

Spencer's POV
There were only 10 minutes left until Christmas, I was noticing something weird inside me, something that had changed, being with Toby was amazing, every time he made me smile and giggle, but I stopped seeing him as a best friend, instead..I started seeing him as more than a friend..I was just scared to tell him..until this happened..

"Spence?" He said as he walked to be, held my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?" I said and held his hands back and looked into his eyes concerned.

"Well..I have been hiding something for too long and I think now it's the perfect moment to say it.." He smiled a little.

"Okay Toby you're worrying me..." I said shocked and worried.

I looked at him once again and he started to kneel down, he grabbed a red little and expensive box as I could see, I was really shocked and I was thinking the same thing that he was. He opened it and there was a ring, but not only a ring, it was an engagement ring, and he even bought the design I like, diamonds and at the back a phrase that said "my lovely wife -T" I was almost crying. He held my hand and looked at me.

Toby's POV
As I held Spencer's hand I smiled at her and wiped her tears away. Then I kissed her hand and once again, I smiled.
"Spencer Jill Hastings, since the first moment we met, you were a really kind and sweet girl to me, no matter what people said about me, you ignored them, you followed me, you walked to me and you started a conversation your voice cheered me up when I was sad, your eyes are the most beautiful ones ever, and that smile of yours, is the cutest one ever. When I was alone, you were there, when I was a horrible person, you saw a kind person, you make me happy, and I don't want to spend any other day of my life without you. I wanna be with you because you make me happy Spence. I wanna start our future now, together until death do us apart. Will you marry me?" I said smiling at her waiting for the answer I was hoping to her.

"Omg! Toby! Of course I would! This is the best day ever!" She said crying of happiness and smiling at the same time.

I slipped the ring into her finger, I picked her up and started spinning her around while kissing her. This was the best Christmas ever, the woman of my life said yes to the proposal. I was over the moon, all the emotions at the same time were expressing my feelings in that moment.

"You're the best woman ever Spencer, I love you so much!" I said smiling at her.

"I love you more Toby! You're the best fiancée ever!" She said crying and smiling at the same time.

After 5 years, Spencer and I moved to Los Angeles, there we had two twin girls, Amelia and Audrey. Now our baby girls are 3 years old and they are going to one of the best schools ever in LA and they have many friends, Spencer is a lawyer as her mother and I'm still a cop, we have a really cute family and we are the best and happiest family ever.
This is our family and it will be forever.

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