Summer love

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Spencers's POV
Here we were. Toby and I spending time at the beach with the girls and their boyfriends.
Everything was normal, no A, no drama, no blood, no nothing.
All of us were happy for once, everyone was together, everyone had a family, it was like a fairytale.
We were going to have the best summer of our lives.

"Girls! Let's take a selfie!" I shouted.

"Coming!" Alison said.

"WAIT FOR US!" Hanna, Emily and Aria said.

The girls ran to me and stood next to me posing for the camera. I took the picture and then I saved it in my purse.

Toby's POV
We were all at the beach having fun and spending time as if we were all kids. Everything was perfect. The first summer of our lives without A or any person trying to kill us.
We had our whole holidays planned.

"Guys!" I shouted.

"Yes Toby?" The girls looked at me and shouted back.

"Why don't we go to Spencer's and I's house so we can plan our next trip to another country?" I said.

"Sure!" They said and directly run to Spencer's and I house.

Hanna's POV
As Toby said, everyone started running to Toby's and Spencer's house really fast.
I could see that the boys, behind us, were really calm about everything as if they had it all planned. I was suspecting something but I was going to wait for later.

"Guys?" I said looking at everyone.

"Yes Han?" Spencer said.

"I was thinking of going to LA? To Disneyland and Universal? Then to San Francisco or California?" I said smiling.

"Cool Idea!!" Aria said.

"If we go there we will stay 2/3 weeks!" Alison said.

"Ooh okay then! Yay!" Emily said looking at the boys.

Caleb's POV
Toby, Ezra and I were walking behind the 5 girls talking about the next trip to LA as Hanna said, Toby told Ezra and I he was planning on proposing Spencer when they arrived to Disneyland.

"So are we gonna stay there 2 or 3 weeks?" I asked.

"3 weeks it's fine" Toby said.

"Sounds good for me" Ezra said.

"Perfect" "This are going to be the best summer holidays ever" I said.

20 minutes later..At Spoby's house..

Emily's POV
We were sitting on the couch and Toby was using the Mac Pro.
Hanna excitedly started screaming in happiness when Toby went into Disneyland's website.

"Wow Han! Slow down!" Alison said laughing.

"Sorry, I'm just too excited" Hanna said giggling.

"We know you are babe" Caleb said smiling.

Some hours later...

Aria's POV
Hours passed and Ezra, Toby and Caleb where still planning and paying all the plane tickets we needed for the trip.
While they were doing that I went with the girls to Spencer's room.

At Spencer's Room.

"So? What should we do now?" I asked.

"While we wait we can watch some Netflix?" Spencer said.

"Sure!" Alison said.

"Which movie should we-" Emily said but Hanna interrupted her. "TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE!" She laughed.

"Okay okay! Slow down han! you're so active today!" I said and started laughing.

Alison's POV
I turned the tv on and directly put Netflix, I could see Hanna was really anxious to watch the movie and I smiled at her.
I looked up for the movie and touch the button "play" and the movie began.

"Popcorns?" Emily asked.

"Always, here i got some" Spencer whispered while watching the movie.

"I'll grab them" Aria said as she grabbed them and put them in the middle of the 5 girls.

1 hour and a half later..
The movie finished the the girls fell asleep. All of them where cuddling each other. Ezra, Toby and Caleb had already finished with the plane tickets so Ezra wanted to make sure on the girls and he decided to go to Spencer's room.

Ezra's POV
Toby had already finished with the plane tickets and I didn't hear anything from the girls so I stood up.

"I'm gonna go check up on the girls" I said

"Okay man" Toby said.

"Go check on them, we'll wait here" Caleb said.

I walked upstairs to Spencer's room and opened the door slowly, the 5 girls were asleep and with the television on, I guess they had watched Netflix and fell asleep after the movie.

I walked back downstairs and looked at the guys.
"They are asleep" I said.

"All of them?" Toby said.

"Yeah" I laughed.

"Aww" Caleb said and Toby laughed.

(time jump to when they are already in Disneyland) (from now on it's only Spoby btw, pretend the rest is in roller coasters)

Toby's POV
We were at Disneyland and decided to divide in groups, Spencer and I were one, Caleb and Hanna another one, Ezra and Aria another and Alison and Emily another one.

Now Spencer and I were at the front of the castle taking pictures, until I looked at my pocket and grabbed the proposal box.

"Spence?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?" She said looking at me.

"I wanna tell you something" I said.

"Okay, sure go ahead!" She looked into my eyes smiling.

I kneeled down opening the proposal box looking into Spencer's eyes.
"I have always wanted to do this, but I waited at the right moment, and I guess that moment is today...Spencer Jill Hastings..since the moment I met you, you have changed my life, you make me happy, you make me laugh and smile, you are always there for me since day 1, you have never gave up on me, and you showed me that anything is possible if you believe in yourself, you made me believe and my dreams came true, you are the woman of my life and I want you for the rest of my life...will you marry me?" I smiled.

"YES! OBVIOUSLY!" Spencer said crying of happiness.

I slipped the ring into her finger picking her up and spinning her around while kissing her.

Spencer's POV
I couldn't believe this day would be real, Toby proposed me, I thought he wasn't going to do it never, but i guess it was, I'm the happiest woman ever alive and I'm happy I chose a guy like Toby, he's the sweetest and hottest man ever, without him I would be dead now, he makes me happy, he gave me my happy ending, and I'm happy he will be part of my life.
I guess this is all, I'll see you guys in 3 months! the day we will get married *smiles*
Byeee! May we meet again❤️

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