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"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yea... I'm fine."

Jinyoung and Mark sat in the dorm room, pondering the incident that happened not too long ago.

"Why would you even do something like that in the first place?" Mark asked aggresively, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I thought I saw something and wasn't paying attention."

"Saw what?" Mark snapped.

"...Jaebum..." Jinyoung whispered.

The room was completely silent, you could even hear a pin drop.

"Wait, you mean your childhood friend?"


"I thought he moved to Thailand or something." Mark said.

"He did. I think he's back."

"That's great! Does he go to this university?" Mark smiled.

"I don't know. We haven't spoken since his parents died... almost a decade." Jinyoung mumbled.

"Wait 10 YEARS!?"


Mark looked at his watch and sighed.

"Please be more careful next time, will you?"

Jinyoung replied a weak 'ok' as he stared at the floor.

"I have to go meet Youngjae now, you be safe yea?"

Mark swiftly walked out the door, leaving Jinyoung to recollect his thoughts by himself.

Was that really Jaebum?

Was I just imagining things?

I am aren't I?

There's no way that was him, he moved to Thailand, didn't he?

I'm going crazy.

I need some air.

Jinyoung stood up and walked out of the dorm room.

The cool air bit at his face, and he crossed his arms whilst making his way around campus.

Jinyoung stopped and saw a tree in the middle of a grassy courtyard with benches around the sidewalks.

Jinyoung ran to the hideout.

It wasn't much of a hideout, but somewhere he knew he would find who he was looking for.

Jinyoung walked through the crowded  bushes and into the meadow.

A single tree was centered in the middle of the plain, tall trees and bushes surrounded the outside.

There, sitting with his back against the tree was a sleeping Jaebum.

Jinyoung walked closer to the boy, standing over him and watched as the sunlight hit his face perfectly, shadowed by his long hair.

"Jaebum." He whispered leaning closer to the boy.

Jaebum slowly opened his eyes and met eyes with the giggling boy.

Their faces were only inches apart, close enough that they could feel each others' breath on their faces.

"What are you doing here, Jinyoung?"

"I came to play." Jinyoung sat next to the boy against the tree.

"I'm 13. I don't play." Jaebum deadpanned.

"Why not?"

"Because playing is for kids."

"Aren't we kids?"

"You are. I'm a teenager."

"If I'm a kid, that means we can play, so let's play."

"Ugh ok fine."

Jinyoung giggled at the memory of his childhood friend.

He walked over to the tree and sat down, leaning his back against it like he used to.

Jinyoung continued to think about his friend as he dozed off against the hard bark of the tree.


Jinyoung slowly peeled his eyes open and realized it was dark outside.

How long did I sleep here?

He got up and walked back to his room with teeth chattering and a shivering body.

When he entered his room, he saw a man in a leather jacket with his back turned to him.

"Oh, you must be my new roommate." He said.

The man turned around and Jinyoung's eyes widened.


Jinyoung opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.


He slowly walked closer to his childhood friend and just stared at his eyes.

"Why are you here?" Jaebum asked.

His voice was smooth but cold, causing Jinyoung's eyes to trail to his lips, which were a dark pink and stood out from his pale, lifeless face.

"Uh... T-this is my... room." He managed to get out.

His eyes filled with tears at the sight of how much he changed.

"Let me tell you something." Jaebum walked closer to the younger, only inches away from his face.

"You better stay out of my way or you're gonna get hurt." He growled, making Jinyoung cower in his stance.

He walked past him, hitting his shoulder in the process, and walked out of the room.


A tear fell from his eyes, after what seemed like forever with blurred vision, and everything finally became clear to him.

He doesn't know who I am...

Or does he?

A/N: i have no idea where this is going tbh

im working on a playlist for the chapters so stay tuned

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