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"So... what are we gonna do?" Mark asked, as he remained cuddled up to Jackson.

The other's in the room looked to him, wondering what the answer to that was as well.

Jaebum had released his warm and comforting embrace with Jinyoung, causing the younger to feel insecure.

"I'm not sure that there's anything we can do." Bambam said, his gaze on the ground.

"There is."

Everyone looked at Jaebum expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

"I could either run away until they give up, or... kill them before they kill me."

At that, there was only silence in the room.

Jinyoung looked shocked, but there was also a hint of fear within him.

Could he kill?

Will he kill?

Those thoughts never left Jinyoung's mind as the other went on.

"I want to keep you guys safe. I'll do anything to do it because you guys mean so much to me."

"We want to keep you safe too. That's why we're ready to help, no matter how dangerous it gets." Jackson said, looking around at the people surrounding him.

Everyone nodded their head at this. They probably hadn't known each other long, but they felt like family.

Jaebum gave an appreciative smile and looked at Jinyoung.

The expression he wore made him nervous.

All he wanted to do was live a peaceful life with Jinyoung, but his past came to bite him in the ass.

He hates having to put Jinyoung in this position.

Jinyoung dragged his eyes off of Jaebum and eyed the ground, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Jaebum expected this reaction.

He definitely didn't want it, but it was inevitable.

"Jinyoung can stay here if you want, so he's not alone." Jackson then offered.

"Thank you." Jaebum nodded, giving a soft smile and hoping, praying everything would be ok.

He stood up. "I'm going to go get some things from the dorm." He said, giving Jinyoung a kiss on the cheek before walking to the foyer.

"I'll show you to your room." Jackson stood up and smiled at Jinyoung, who hesitantly stood up too.

Mark joined them and put his hand on Jinyoung's back to guide him.

Before he could walk, he took one last look down the foyer at Jaebum, who was holding the door knob looking at him too.

Once Jaebum made eye contact, he opened the door and left.

Jinyoung looked down and followed Jackson to the stairs.

They walked up to the second floor and were greeted by a small living area, then proceeded to walk down a hallway that was in front of the space.

After passing two doors, Jackson opened one and motioned for Jinyoung to walk in.

Jinyoung did so and Mark followed closely behind.

"Well, I'll leave you to it." Jackson smiled, leaving the two friends alone.

Jinyoung slowly sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hands down the perfectly layed comforter.

He looked up at Mark and received a smile, causing Jinyoung to give a pained smile back.

Mark sat next to his friend and put a hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly.

He had a feeling that the other wasn't feeling too great about all of this and hoped that making him comfortable would urge him to talk.

Jinyoung sighed and looked at Mark through glossy eyes.

He didn't know what to feel at this point. Even if he couldn't choose a single word for his emotions, he still felt alot of things in his chest.

"I-I'm scared, Mark." He managed to get out as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"It's going to be ok, Jinyoung." Mark said softly, giving a small smile in hopes to calm the other down.

"What if it's not?" Jinyoung put his face in his hands, sobbing at this point, as Mark continued to rub his back.

"I don't want him to leave me again. I don't want him to run away." He cried.

Mark remained silent as he listened to his friend.

He couldn't say that he knew what he was going through, or that he knew it was really going to be ok, but he still told him so, because he knew that they would do anything to keep each other safe.

That was the reality of it.

"But... I don't want him to get hurt trying to protect me. If something happened to him... I could never live with myself." Jinyoung sniffled, trying to compose himself, but ultimately failing as he started to sob again.

"It's alright. Everything's going to be ok." Mark reassured, pulling the other into a hug.

He heard muffled cries on his shoulder, and held the other until he no longer heard the sound.

Jinyoung removed himself from the hold and gave a warm smile to his best friend.

"Thank you." He muttered.

"No problem. Let's get you into bed." Mark said, letting Jinyoung under the covers and pulling them over him.

Yea, Mark was immature and childish, but when it came to Jinyoung, he could grow up in a heartbeat.

Jinyoung closed his eyes and Mark smiled as he walked out, leaving him to sleep peacefully.

Mark made his way downstairs and into the living room, looking for Jackson.

He walked into the kitchen to see Jackson leaning against the marble counter biting into an apple and scrolling through his phone.

Jackson noticed Mark and stood up straight, putting his phone on the counter.

"How'd it go? Did you talk to him?"

Mark nodded.

"I can tell that he has alot of conflicting feelings about this situation."

Jackson hummed in response and bit into his apple once more.

"He's scared... but I don't know what to do to make his fear go away." Mark shrugged.

"Leave that to Jaebum. I think that they need to communicate it through a long-awaited talk."

Mark nodded and looked down.

"Also..." He started before pausing.

"What?" Jackson raised an eyebrow.

"I think 'The JJ Project' should be back on... for a different reason." Mark eyed the other, waiting for a reaction.

"Let's do it."


question: have there been any inconsistencies throughout the book?

this could be anything you think is out of place or needs an explanation

also im starting to become more confident in this book as it goes along, so expect more from me

please vote, comment, and share! ❤

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