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"He's staying with you right?"

"Yea, but I can kick him out if you want me to."

"No, I think if they're in the same room all the time it might be worse."

Mark and Jackson sat in their literature class, talking about the plan and how it was going to play out.

"Ok, you already know what to do for phase 1?" Mark asked.

"Yea, you already found a nice resturant right?"

"Yea, just tell him to be there at 8 p.m. and to wear something nice. Also, it's under Wang and you're paying."

"Ok, but why do I have to pay?" Jackson questioned.

"Because you're Fendiman and you're rich."

"You're right." Jackson huffed.

Mark leaned closer to Jackson and put his hand on his thigh.

"I'm always right baby." He whispered.

Jackson shuddered.

The things he does to me.

"Ok ok. Let's text them and get this over with."

Mark and Jackson texted the two males and anticipated tonight's event.


The first week of school went by really fast for Jinyoung.

It was a beautiful sunny day, so he, Youngjae, and Coco went to the park.

Jinyoung was running around with Coco when Youngjae called for him.

"You got a text message from Mark!" He shouted.

"Come on Coco." Jinyoung ran to the table where his phone and Youngjae sat and Coco followed.


M: Hey I'm inviting
you to a nice night
out so you can't say
no. Be at this
restaurant at 7:55
p.m. and wear
something nice.
Reservation is
under Wang by
the way.

                             J: You would name
                                 it after him.

M: Yes I would.

Jinyoung chuckled at the text.

Youngjae picked Coco up and pet her while watching Jinyoung read the text.

"What does it say?" He asked.

"Mark just wants me to go out and eat with him."

Youngjae hummed in response.

Jinyoung checked the time and it was almost 4.

I have plenty of time.

Jinyoung called Coco and Youngjae put him on the grass to run around more and enjoy the moment.


Jaebum was sitting on Jacksons' couch with Bambam when he got a text.


J: Hey I want you
to come and eat
with me tonight.
Be at this resturant
at 8 p.m. and dress
nice. You don't have
to bring any money
it's on me. It's also
under Wang.

                                     J: Ok

"You wanna get a drink with me tonight?" Bambam asked.

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