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"Are you excited for tonight?"

"Hell no."

Jinyoung and Mark were walking through campus as they just finished listening to a lecture.

"Oh come on you party animal. Quit denying your longing for dancing half-naked on the tables." Mark said sarcastically.

Jinyoung frowned and pushed his glasses up further on the bridge of his nose.

"Yea, no. That's not happening again." He mumbled.

"Riiiiiiight." Mark smiled and sent a wink to the other.

"Ugh." Jinyoung made a digusted face as they continued walking, heading towards a picnic table in the park ahead.

Once they settled down, they took out some books to complete their assignments.

Jinyoung was focusing hard on his studies, writing away until something caught his eye.

He looked in the direction of the black figure and felt his face heat up at the sight.

Jaebum walked down the path, calmly and cooly.

Jinyoung watched him as he walked, how graceful his movements were.

All at once, their eyes met, and they both felt a familiar spark, but this time it felt stronger.

Jinyoung's heart raced when their eyes never left each other's, even as Jaebum kept walking.

Soon enough, Jaebum looked away and walked off into the distance.

The feelings in that moment diminished, and both were left with their lingering thoughts, wondering if the other felt the same.


The day went on pretty smoothly, and before Jinyoung knew it, he was back in his dorm playing on his phone, the party in a few hours.

He heard the sound of the door open and pulled his eyes away from the screen to see Jaebum walking in and closing the door behind him.

Jinyoung stayed silent and looked back at his phone, ignoring the other's existence.

"Are you going to Jackson's party?"

Hearing this, Jinyoung turned his head to see Jaebum messing with some clothes by his bed, huddling them all up and putting them in a laundry basket.

"I don't have a choice. Mark is forcing me." Jinyoung mumbled.

Jaebum paused for a moment then hummed in response.

"I'll be right back." Jaebum said as he turned and walked out the door, leaving it open just a crack to imply that he would be back soon.

Jinyoung just continued on his phone, not too concerned about the world around him.

Suddenly, a notification popped up, telling him that he needed to charge his phone.

He reached for his charger, but realized it wasn't in the outlet it was usually in.


His hands felt around for it in hopes to find it, but it never turned up.

Jinyoung's phone was about to die, so he got up to look for one.

Jaebum might have one.

He reached for the small drawer of the nightstand that belonged to his roommate.

Once it was opened, Jinyoung could feel his heart drop at what he saw.

The only thing that lay in the bottom of the drawer, was a picture of his parents.

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