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Jinyoung woke up with a pair of arms around him.

He smiled as he looked over his shoulder and saw Jaebum fast asleep, nuzzled into his neck.

Jinyoung's throat felt dry and sore so he began to get up, escaping the other's grasp.

As he sat there, he stretched with a yawn.

A familiar pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a chin on his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Jaebum mumbled sleepily, softly kissing the nape of the other's neck.

Jinyoung shuddered under his touch.

"I'm going to get some water." He said quietly, waiting for Jaebum to release him from his hold.

"We're gonna cuddle some more after this, right?"

Jinyoung chuckled at the older and tried to peel his arms off of him.

"Ok. Just let me go." He said.

Jaebum hummed in response and let go of the other, falling back onto the matress.

Jinyoung took that as his cue to leave, so he grabbed his wallet and went down the hall to the vending machine.

Once he got his water, he gulped it down as he walked back to the dorm room.

Jinyoung threw it away in the trashcan close to the door and made his way to the bed where Jaebum was sitting.

The other sat on the edge of the bed giving a soft smile to Jinyoung and holding his arms out for him.

Jinyoung walked up to him, a smile growing on his face.

Jaebum grabbed his waist and embraced it, rubbing his head against his belly from time to time.

Jinyoung grew flustered at the feeling, but he ended up running his fingers through the other's dark hair soothingly and smiling to himself.


He hummed in response, still smiling at the amount of affection the older was giving him.

"I love you." Jaebum said into his abdomen.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Jinyoung teased, earning a glare from the other.

"I said," Jaebum stood up, grabbing Jinyoung's face.

"I." He kissed his right cheek.

"Love." He kissed his left cheek.

"You." Finally he softly pecked the younger's lips, causing a giggle to come from him.

"I know. I just wanted to hear you say it again." Jinyoung giggled, giving a peck in return.

Jaebum didn't reply. He just looked at Jinyoung's face between his hands, grazing his thumbs over his cheeks.

"I haven't seen you smile like this since... forever." He said, a light smile plastered on his face.

Jinyoung gave him a smile in return. "Because you're here... with me." He said pulling Jaebum into a hug, wrapping his arms around his abdomen and resting his head on his chest.

Jaebum wrapped his arms around the other, savoring the moment.

"How about you get washed up while I go get us some coffee and donuts. Does that sound good?" He finally asked.

"Please." Jinyoung huffed, giving the older a peck on the lips before going into the bathroom.

Jaebum walked out of the dorm and went around the corner to a small café.

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