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"That's weird."

"I know, right? He touched my face and everything."

Jinyoung and Mark were walking through the dorm to get to Mark's room.

Jinyoung ended up telling him about the encounter he had with that Bambam guy.

"And he knows Jaebum?"

"Apparently. He went on and on about what Jaebum says about me, and it's all good stuff too. I want to ask him about it when he gets back to the dorm." Jinyoung furrowed his brows, determined to get to the bottom of this.

"Doesn't he hate you? Don't you hate him?"

"I hate what he's become. I'm not really sure why he acts like he does. I'm not sure why he hates me either." Jinyoung frowned looking at the ground.

"I think you'll figure it out eventually. And hey, maybe things will make a turn for the best." Mark said as he gave Jinyoung a bro hug.



"So maybe you should keep your pale-ass bitchass bad boy persona in check before I do it for you."

Those words never left Jaebum's mind.

Oh how he changed.

What happened to that carefree and happy boy I fell in love with 10 years ago?

He never lost his sass that's for sure...

Jaebum was in the guest room of the Wang residence, laying on the bed, pondering his life.

Thoughts of his activity in Thailand flooded his mind.

Theft, vandalism, and even assault were a few of the many bad choices he made while living there.

He also met Bambam, somebody who proved to be an important person in his life later on.

Even through all of those years, his mind still lingered towards the thought of his childhood, where his childhood friend stood.

Jaebum finally moved out of Thailand for college and Bambam decided to go with him.

Now, he tries to solve his problem.

A lost love he decided to call it.

In that very moment, he decided he should find it, not really knowing where to look.

Except at Jinyoung.

"Hey, guess who I met today?" Bambam came in without even knocking and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Who?" Jaebum groaned.

"The beauty himself, your childhood friend."

Jaebum sat up in a frenzy.


Bambam just laughed at his reaction.

"What did you say to him!?"

"Oh just about everything you've ever thought about him since you got here." He said.

Jaebum covered his face with his hands and groaned.

"I even told him how beautiful he looked, because in the moment he really was. The light perfectly cascaded along his face. His eyes filled with concern and something I can't explain. Even his lips-"

"Shut up. I will never admit to having those feelings."

"You can say that, but it's written all over your face." Bambam teased.

"Anyway, I have to go. I'm meeting a guy who sells the good stuff for cheap. You sure you don't want any?"

"I'm good."

Bambam walked out and closed the door behind him.

Jaebum huffed.

He can't know I feel that way about him.

He can't know about my past.

He can't know what I've done.

I can't get close to him.

It might be dangerous.

A/N: DISCLAIMER: jb did not participate in SEXUAL assault. assault means to make a physical attack on, and i did not put the word sexual in there cuz thats not the kind he did. he made some bad choices but not that, never that.

shake it and shake it for me~

that song is a bop

im thinking of making a book 2 thats supposed to indicate certain types of influences and how your best friends and be good influences ig

i might just make it its own separate book/universe

anyways next chapter will be longer and phase 1 will begin ;)

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