Chapter Five

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Currentstar called to the clan. The cats gathered below his paws, gazing up at their leader.

"Every Leafbare, Seaclan is known for their hard times. Every Leafbare, we somehow lose at least one cat to the water. If you don't already know, this is because we go out to swim, not knowing the water has frozen over. If this happens, the cat in question can't always find a hole in the ice or get to the gateway fast enough before they drown. This Leafbare, however, we are going to thrive. We are not going to lose another cat."

"Hunting patrols are now always to the beach. Even if you see the water isn't frozen, don't try and convince the clan to go out again. We'll be safe enough to be smart. Don't hunt for fish anyway, because you could freeze your paws off. We know what we're going to do this time. In Newleaf, we won't die at the paws of the other clans because many cats have drowned. We are a brand new clan, and losing cats this time won't help us. With two apprentices, we'll have new warriors in a few moons. With two new kits, we'll have paws to fill their place."

"This time, I'm going to be smart and never give up the clan. I am the first leader of Seaclan-I want to get something done before I leave you." With that, he jumped from the pebbles, leaving the cats to wonder what to make of what he said.

"Only to the beach?" Crystalpaw was saying. "We'll starve before we get our paws on fresh food!" 

Joining in the conversation, Splashpaw sat with the group of cats. Crystalpaw gave him an annoyed look when he sat down.

"What do you want? Didn't catch that trout that swam right in front of you? Begging for some fresh kill from your good old apprentice pal?" The cats around her laughed. Flattening his ears, Splashpaw forced himself not to look away.

"Look, I don't know what you mean. I was just being friendly and joining in the chat. I just wanted to share tongues." Splashpaw replied icily. 

"Mmm, share tongues, hmmm? Find somebody who wants to let another cat in. How about those new kits? I'm sure they'd like to discuss mossball game wrap-ups with you." Crystalpaw continued to talk, leaving Splashpaw out of their conversation.

Squaring his shoulders, he faced her off. "They aren't just 'new kits', Crystalpaw. They are my brother and sister. They're your half brother and sister!" He cried.

"Not really. Oceanwater got rid of Minnowegg a while ago. Now he's my father, and she's just a friend. Kelpsand is her mate. Besides, they're younger than me, and more inexperienced. All they care about really is moss ball games. I am going to be a warrior soon. Who knows, maybe they'll be the next two medicine cats." She padded away, leaving the group of cats and Splashpaw alone. 

It turned out the group of cats were Finfish and Kelpsand. Shrugging, he gave Kelpsand an apolegitic look, and padded after his half-sister.

"I don't have time for this," He said aloud to no-one. "But I'll deal with my problems like a warrior."

SplashStar's Vision - Caves, Grass, Sea and Sky - Warrior Cats AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now