Chapter Fifteen

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Splashpelt couldn't help thinking about what Mudfang said all day long. Sand would be his downfall? What would that even mean? Then it hit him.

Sandpaw? Did he mean Sandpaw? Wait, if it was Sandpaw that was his downfall, she would have to kill him somehow. She had seemed far from that. More like...torture.  She probably wouldn't ever kill him, even if she had to.

So why was she the only answer to what could be his downfall? He bumped into a sleek pelt on his way out of his den. 

"Oh, sorry." He mewed. He realized it was Aquashine. Too many painful memories. He shook off the vision. She lived in that vision. She didn't die. 

She yawned. "I was just getting a nap after my patrol. We renewed the border again." She padded into the den and he could here her rustling in her nest to sleep.

Splashpelt walked outside to enjoy the newleaf sun. He stretched until his legs trembled, then sucked at an oyster. He decided to leave a marker on the border between them and Meadowclan. Sniffing, he sat by the separation, and stared into the other clan. 

What was it like? Living on land for your entire life? Never swimming unless in small creeks? Didn't life get boring? Didn't Meadowclan even care? 

He was dragged out of his thoughts by a rustling in a bush nearby. Turning his head, he peered into the bush in question. 

The bush rustled again. He smelled thick ferns from it. A cat! Before he could react, the cat sprang out of the bush and on him. They tumbled in the sand until he was pinning down a very startled Sandpaw.

"Sandpaw!" He hissed. What was she doing on their territory? Was this a secret attack?

"It's not Sandpaw anymore. I'm Sandfang." She mewed proudly. Splashpelt thought it was a rather vicious name, but he didn't question. 

"I'm Splashpelt now. It looks like we both got our warrior names." He growled through gritted teeth. This wasn't a friendly time. She had just invaded Seaclan territory. He would have to drive her off.

"Fancy name for such a clumsy cat. I remember when you lost the first time to me. It was wonderful...winning a battle like that. My littermates never treated me like a drag again! Thanks, about that, I guess." She grinned, despite being pinned down by razor sharp claws. Splashpelt blinked. 

"That was mercy. Now get off the territory." 

SplashStar's Vision - Caves, Grass, Sea and Sky - Warrior Cats AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now