Ch. I

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"Happy belated birthday, Y/N."

My little brother handed me a small pink bag with tissue paper poking out the top. "Belated? Daehyun, it hasn't happened yet, idiot." I flicked the top of his head. "Hey! You want it or not?"

I sighed, taking the tissue paper out and looked inside. Inside was a small rectangular shape. I took it out, it was a video game. The plastic sleeve was torn and visible dirt smudges on the cover. The cover itself looked like a forest with a river flowing through it, but it was hard to see through all the dirt.

The title was written in big, white 8-bit letters. It read 'Alvis Defected'. There was no manufacturer or developer on the sleeve. I turned it over to look on the back, but it was just black.

"This is a dumb title." I glanced over to my brother, to which he just shrugged.

"It, I thought you'd like it. Y'know, you being the gamer of the family." I rolled my eyes. I took the disc out of the broken down casing and put it in the tray of our game console. "Have you played this before?"

"Nah, I just found it at a GameStop."

"Okay, first question, who goes to GameStop anymore, and second, they sold this to you at a GameStop?" The screen lit up as the console started buzzing to life. "Umm, I go to GameStop and they didn't sell it to me. This random guy there just gave it to me, he had a bag full of copies too. I didn't want it, but clearly neither did he so I thought I'd give it to you."

"How generous." I sarcastically say to him. The title screen popped up. There weren't that many colors displayed on the screen, mostly blacks and greens, all mixed together is a sad, pitiful gradient. The title was in bold letters, underneath the title was the option menu; Play, Settings, Quit. I was about to click play, but my brother got up from the small love seat we were both sitting on.

"Keep going, I just gotta pee real quick." I rolled my eyes and clicked play. The screen went completely black, then a faint text appeared in the middle of the screen, I had to get closer just to read it.

'Hello player! Welcome to the game. Please enter your name.'

As soon as I finished reading it a keyboard appeared on the screen. "That's freaky." I say to myself. I typed in my name, not seeing the harm of it.

'Welcome to the game, Y/N! Before we start, choose a teammate: Çø˙Rû˚p†e∂'

"What the—?"

'Sorry, Y/N, but there are no teammates available for you to choose. Are you willing to carry on without one?'

Once again, as soon as I finished reading it, a YES and NO button appeared on the screen. I Selected the YES option.

There was no text after that. Just a black screen. I have to say, I was a little freaked out. I stepped back from the screen. Next thing I knew, the screen turned completely white. It was so unexpected I closed my eyes from the sudden blindness I had just experienced.

I felt a wave of nausea wash over me and I felt as if the ground beneath me had disappeared. I dropped the controller and rubbed my eyes. But when I opened them, all I could see was a forest surrounding me. I screamed. I was falling.

I braved myself for the impact, thinking I was going to die. I landed on the forest floor with a loud thud. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my still pounding head. I looked around one last time and stood up, walking to a tree and leaning against it. Was I dreaming?

"Hello?!" I yelled out into the forest, stepping away from the support of the tree. "Daehun," I whispered to myself before realizing the situation at hand. I gasped. "Daehun! Daehun are you there?!" I yelled in a panic.

I started to run around the forest, searching for my little brother. I weaved in and out of trees, looking for something that I knew wasn't there. I stopped out of breath and feel to my knees, crying.

I was so overwhelmed I just broke down, crying on the grassy floor of this forest. My chest hurt and I really couldn't see that well. I gasped for air in between my sobs when I heard rustling in the bushes. Scared, I instantly ran away from the bushes, ignoring my pain.

I ran and ran until I just couldn't no more. I leaned against a tree and sat on the ground, heaving. When I looked up, I came upon a weird sight. In the middle of this forest, were small houses connected to some of the trees. Eight, if I counted correctly. All the treehouses were connected by bridges. I stood up and approached the odd structure. Looking at it, it was mystical in a strange way. I've seen treehouses in the past but something about this one seemed...I don't know, different, I suppose.

I noticed a ladder attached to one of the bridges. I climbed up the ladder cautiously, afraid if someone else was here and just didn't hear me before. Once I was at the top, I looked around. It seemed like the place itself was dead, like a ghost town, or just a ghost itself. How did it get here? I walked straight for one of the small homes.

I knocked on the door lightly, no answer. I opened the door slowly. Inside was a bed against the left wall, across from it was a small table with two chairs, shelves aligned the back wall. I peered out the window right next to the bed. I saw mountains in the distance, but they looked fake, like a realistic painting, just not real or actually tangible, and a river running through the forest.

If I'm being honest, the view was quite a nice one, captivating. It was like I was in a painting, in a place that was manufactured and was meant to be perfect. I walked closer to the window, kneeled on the bed and placed my elbows on the windowsill of a glassless window. I just stared outside when the thought hit me hard.

I was inside  Alvis Defected.

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