Ch. XI

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"Y/N! You better get your ass out here right now! Hurry! Please!" I sat up immediately from my dreamless sleep once I heard the distressed cry. I glanced out the window, it was still dark out, the moon just out of view. I jumped out of bed and sprinted onto the bridge.

I saw a frightened Jungkook standing below the structure, something huge and monstrous in front of him. I turned to my left, seeing Yoongi besides me. He must have been the one that called out to me.

"What the hell's happening to him?!" He yelled, pointing to the frozen Jungkook below. "Why are you asking me like I know?!" I spat back at him. 

"Well, what is that!?" I looked back over to the gigantic creature. I've never seen anything like it. It was mangled like a broken toy. Twisted legs and an arched back. It was flashing sharp, white teeth that sparkled in the moonlight. It was gigantic, too. Drool fell out of it's mouth as it slowly approached Jungkook. Its head was moving sporadically, like it was some sort of glitch.

Realizing the situation at hand, I ran past Yoongi and down the ladder towards the boy. I sprinted and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, practically throwing away from the monster in front of us. "Run! Kookie run!" I screamed at him. He ran bolted off, running up to where Yoongi stood, watching. 

I heard a high pitched, annoying screech. I turned around slowly, being face to face with the creature. Its eyes were dark, practically black, though it was hard to focus on it. It smelled horrible. It was like a giant, melting, broken spider. I can see why Jungkook was petrified, this--this terrifying. 


It spoke to me, lowly and nearly inaudible. But it rang in my ears like nails on a chalkboard. I felt my body shaking.


I slowly started backing away from it, but it just came closer. And closer, like it wanted to trap me.

"You're not supposed to be here..."

It spoke more clearly than before, but the voice still sent shivers down my spine. It sounds human. I started to freak out, not knowing what to do I went off in a hard sprint into the forest. It spun around and started to chase after me. I heard Jungkook yell "Noona!" in the distance. It was fast, faster than anything I had ever seen before. 

This is how I die...

I glanced over my shoulder, seeing it close behind me. I turned my head, focusing on where I was running. Even with the bright moonlight, it was still hard to see, especially with the trees in the way. I tried to loose the thing but it was so close to me, I couldn't escape it.

A root came out of  seemingly nowhere and I tripped. I put my hands out in front of me to catch my fall, but I landed on my wrist, prompting me to scream out in pain. The thing growled. I looked back to it, hot tears staining my face. "What do you want!?" I yelled at it. I was breathing heavily. The monster stoped in front of me.

I held my wrist and stared at the creature. "Leave...Leave..." It chanted and I shook my head. I was so scared. "No...No!" I screamed. I was delirious and wasn't thinking straight. "Leave me alone!"

"Help...Cheater...Helps..." I stared at the monster, less scared, and more confused. "How? How do I help? What do you what from me? Why am I a cheater? What do you mean!?" My voice was cracking and the monster started to approach me. "Cheaters get punished...

it bent over, slowly getting very close to me. I tried to back away, but my ankle was still caught in the root. Then, in the literal blink of an eye, it lunged itself at my leg, it's sharp teeth pierced my skin. I screamed. I opened my eyes only to see it running away at incredible speed, deep into the forest. I felt thick blood run down my leg... and became very light headed. My eyes drooped and I fainted.

I woke up maybe an hour later to something nudging me. I groaned, trying to turn away, still feeling very sick from the night before. Then I remembered. I instantly sat up, very awake. I looked to my leg, it was no longer stuck in a root, nor was it bleeding or looked hurt in the slightest. "What the--" I started when I heard it. A low, familiar growl.

I looked around and spotted a Lineer. "How..." I mumbled. I looked closely at the Lineer's face, a scar running across its nose. "It's you," I stared and the Lineer nodded. So they did understand me. "Did you help me?" It nodded again. "Thank you." I reached up and petted the silky black fur of the Lineer. There was a noise beyond the forest, the Lineer got spooked, and ran away. 

I stayed on the ground, afraid to stand up, but braced myself for whatever was bound to show itself in the dark. But I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the gentle voice of Jungkook. "Noona? Noona are you out here?"

"Jungkook!" I yelled and heard running. I watched as Jungkook came out from behind a tree, he gasped when he saw me. "Noona! I thought you were going to die." He cried. "I did too, honestly...Where's Yoongi?"

"I'm here," Yoongi said and stepped out from behind a tree, the same tree Jungkook did. "Thank god you're okay." He said and hugged me, taking me by surprise. He stood up and reached his hand out to me. I took it and stood up.  

"Are you okay? What was that thing?" Jungkook asked in a shaky voice, still clearly scared from the monster. I shook my head towards the forest floor.

"I have no clue...Did you hear it?" I asked, they looked at each other.

"Hear what? The sound? Yeah, it hurt my ears." Yoongi said. I walked through them, pushing them apart gently. "No no no, not the noise. The voice. It spoke. Did you not hear?" I turned back and faced them, wanting answers. 

They both shook their heads and stayed quiet. "It sounded so human..." I trailed off.

"What'd it say?" Yoongi asked.

"It was saying some weird stuff."

"Like," Jungkook butted in. 

"Like, 'Girl', 'Cheater', 'You're not supposed to be here', 'Leave'... It was all very strange."

"Did you like, have a boyfriend or something? Did you cheat on someone?" I gave Yoongi a side glance. "Sweets, I may not be able to remember shit, but I know for a fact nobody wanted this mess."

"Wait, you don't remember what?" Jungkook asked. I chuckled to myself. "I've been here for so long, I don't remember my life before this, is all." Jungkook's face went white.

"I-I don't want to forget my life." He blurted out. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his tall shoulder. "You won't, I promise. We're going to get out of here, but in the meantime, can we sleep? I have an expedition at dawn."

"No. No way in hell are you going on any bullshit expedition after what happened. We were looking for you for a whole ass hour, Y/N!" Yoongi threw his hands into the air. I sighed, there's no way I'm, arguing with him. "Well, we should at least go back." They both nodded and the three of us started walking back to the structure.

"Why where you out there anyways?" I asked Jungkook as we headed back, rather quickly.

"I came out for some water, and when I got down the ladder, the thing appeared in front of me. And I froze."

"It just appeared?" He nodded his head. "Why was Yoongi out there?"

"I couldn't sleep...So I wanted to take a walk..." Yoongi answered. I hummed as a response. "You're lying." I said simply. "What? No I'm not..." I raised a brow at him. "Okay, fine. This bird flew in through my window I didn't want to sleep with a bird about to shit on me so I left...I found Kook and that thing so I yelled to you for help."

I nodded, understanding. The walk back seemed a lot shorter than when I was running from the monster. We all climbed up the ladder and head to our rooms. I closed the door and slid against it until my butt hit the floor. "What's happening to me?" 

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