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I spun around quickly to see Jimin staring at me, eyes wide and face pale. Confused, I looked down to my hand, but instead of seeing the pigment of my skin, I saw...nothing. My fingers were so translucent I could see the ground beneath them, and like a virus, I noticed the the transparency slowly consuming the rest of my palm.

I, myself, started to freak out. My eyes widened and I pulled my hand away from me in an attempt to rid of the thought.

"W-what's happening to you?" Jimin asked with a shaky and scared voice.

"I don't know, I don't know!" I yelled back, feeling quite nauseous.Taehyung came up behind me a gave me a back hug. I calmed down within his embrace. I felt a slight warmth on my hand, I looked up and saw Namjoon looking at it. Inspecting it.

"Does this have something to do with you being a cheater? Or you forgetting things?" I shook my head. "I don't know, Joon. Maybe..."

"Maybe it's the games way of getting rid of a cheater. Making them disappear." Hoseok piped in and I glanced at him. "Not helping, Angel." He backed away, mumbling a quite "sorry."

"He might be right, Y/N. It seems as though you're fading away." Namjoon spoke softly. I sighed. "I don't want to disappear. I want to see my family again," I lowered my head and chuckled sadly to myself. "Granted, I don't remember them anymore..."

"I've been here about just as long as you, N/N. How come I haven't had any memory loss?" Taehyung asked while squeezing me tighter. I shrug, too tired to actually answer.

"Because you're not like her. I'm sorry Y/N, but, Tae, you're not a cheater. You were given the game, and you played it." Namjoon pointed out. Taehyung let go of me. I looked at my fading hand, I sighed and let it drop to my side.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" I looked up, tears filled my eyes. They all rushed to me and smothered me with hugs. "No! Y/N, don't say that! We'll get you out of here. You'll see your family, you won't die!" Hosoek said encouragingly while cuddling his face into my neck. All I could do was nod, hoping he was right.

We stayed there, hugging each other for a small while. None of us talking. I let small tears fall out of my eyes. I noticed the sun getting lower and the once blue sky now turning into a saturated orange. I gently pushed them off of me.

"I'm fine. Thank you...We should, get some food, get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day." I smiled, they smiled back. They ran off to the fire pit, placing more logs into it.

I slowly meandered my way over to where the boys had run off to. When I got there, I heard a thud coming from the woods. None of the other boys seemed to hear it. Curious, I began walking into the woods and farther from the others.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Namjoon whispered to me, I kept walking. "I-I heard something. I want to know what it is."

"We've had enough crazy for one day, Y/N. C'mon, lets go back. The gang's waiting for us—." I shushed him, he stayed silent. We both walked in silence. I saw a shadow moving beyond some trees, illuminated by the bright sunset beyond the horizon. I stuck my hand out, stoping Joon in his tracks.

"Is there something there?"

"Not sure." I walked towards the shadow. It was tall, from what I could tell. Getting closer, I heard it slowly walking away from me.

"Hello!? Is there anybody there!?" It talked. It has to be another player, please be another player. I walked closer, seeing the figure that casted the shadow. He was tall and had a strong build. I approached him.

"Hi..." I softly said. He spun around, facing me with wide eyes. "Please don't kill me!" He screamed backing away, but tripping on a root, causing him to fall over. I reached my hand out to help him. He screamed again and backed away from me. I stared at him confused, then remembered my hand situation. I gave him my other hand, but he still scooted farther away.

I sighed.

"Look, Cupcake, I'm trying to help you. Alright? So let me help you." I walked towards him. He cautiously took my hand and stood up. He towered over my much smaller figure. Namjoon clears his throat and approached the taller man.

"I'm Namjoon, this is Y/N. She's currently having a Uh...issue. Sorry about that." He chuckled. I hit him in the arm, making him winch a small bit and rub the sore part of his arm.

"'Issue'." I repeated quietly with a scoff. I looked back over to the guy in front of me and made eye contact, a small smile on his face. "What's your real name, Cupcake?" I ask.

"Jin. Seokjin. But, Jin is fine with me." He smiled widely. I nodded, motioning with my hand to follow and walking away, leaving both Namjoon and Jin. I turned around, but kept walking the way towards camp. "You coming or not?" I turned back around and heard their footsteps behind me.

When we reached camp, the fire was lit and the boys huddled around it for warmth as the sun had finally set, casting a cold shadow over the glade. Taehyung noticed me immediately and jumped up from his seat.

"N/N! Hey, you brought another player! Cool! I'm Taehyung." He ran over to us and introduced himself to Jin. "Nice to meet you, may I ask, where are we?"

"We're in Alvis Defected, Cupcake. Welcome home." I say, gaining groans and eye rolls. Jin looked around confused, I just giggled. "I do this a lot." I shrug.

"Yeah, she does. She calls me princess. Princess!" Taehyung shouted. Jin started laughing, and his laugh sounded a bit weird. Squeaky and high pitched. It was kinda funny, in all honestly, making me and all the others laugh as well.

I walked off to grab the paper, overly excited. with Jin, this may be the last time we ever need to use this paper. And we can finally escape.

I ran into my room, grabbed the paper, and ran back out. "Jin, here, read this." I placed the paper in his hands. He looked at me, then the paper, then at me.

"Oh my god, it isn't that hard! Read it, damnit!" Yoongi shouted, he's clearly tired, of us and actually tired.

Jin looked down to the paper once more.

"'Name'. Name? What does that mean? One of your guys' names?" He questioned while the rest of us were screaming on fits of joy. Jin stared at the commotion with a blank and confused stare. "We can leave! We can leave!" Taehyung chanted.

"Umm, excuse me?" Jin said, causing us all to stop and face him. "Oh right...does someone care to do the honors?" I asked, looking at each of the boys faces.

"So Y/N here is a cheater and is disappearing and she found this paper thingy. This paper thingy says something different to each of us. And now we know what it says!" Taehyung cheered in joy.

"What's it say then?" Jin asked, handing the paper back to me. "'Rearrange The Letters Of The Game's Given Name'...but now we just have to figure out what that means. Anyone have an idea?" I question. I received a bunch of shoulder shrugs and simple hums as responses. I put my finger on my chin, thinking.

"Maybe we need to spell it out or something. Like a word scramble." Jungkook spoke up. "That might actually work. Jungkook, where's your sketchbook, I think we need it."

Without answering, Jungkook ran off towards the structure, to where, I assume, he's grabbing his sketchbook. When he came back he handed me his book and a pencil. I walked to the fire to get better light, the boys following behind me, watching me.

I sat down. I wrote on the page, 'Alvis Defected'. "Rearrange...You really think it's a word scramble thing?" Hoseok asks.

"Maybe, we'll just have to see..."

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