Ch. X

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A loud scream echoed through my room, causing me to sit up instantly, eyes wide. It was still dark outside and I couldn't see the moon from my window. I looked over to the boy. His eyes also very wide-open. He had coiled up, hugging his knees to his chest.

"W-who are you? W-where am I? I wanna go home..." His voice was shaky and his eyes became glossy with tears. I didn't really know what to do. I stood up from the bed, thinking it'd help to calm him down. "My name is Y/N...and uh, you're in a game..." He gave me a strange look, still clearly frightened.

"I'm where?" He asked and I tilted my head in confusion. "Alvis Defected?" I pressed on, but he just slowly shook his head, still looking absolutely terrified in the dim light. I built up a sense of courage and sat next to him on the bed, but he scooted away from me, pushing up against the wall.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to know what you remember anything?"

He was silent for a little bit, then he spoke softly. "My hyung gave me something...I don't remember what, and he...didn't want it, maybe it was a game...yeah, I think it was, he was playing and h-he put my name in the game...then I blacked out and woke up in a stranger's bed." He looked up to me, eyes still very watery.

"So you didn't play it, but he did?" He nodded his head. "What's your name, Kiddo?"

"I...J-Jungkook...Where are we?" He was still pretty teary eyed as he looked around the room, back pressed firmly against the wall.

"This AD-- the game. Our camp, are you feeling?"

"M-my head hurts a little." He centered his gaze back on me, and I chuckled softly. "Yeah, it might for a while, you should rest a bit." He slowly nodded.

"You can keep sleeping here and in the morning I'll get you some place of your own, Kiddo." He laid his head back down onto the pillow and closed his eyes. I smiled and stood up, walking out of the room. I closed the door gently behind me and made my way to the railing of the bridge, leaning over the side. I looked out over the treetops, at the dark sky. I was tired, but Jungkook needs more rest than I do.

I lost track of time standing out there, just staring. The tress swayed lightly, but I didn't feel any breeze. The full moon, as always, shone brightly across the canopy. And before I knew it, I saw the sun slowly rising in the distance. I sighed, "Well, tomorrow is another day..." I whispered to myself. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and I quickly wiped it away. But a singular tear rolled down my cheek and then another one rolled down after it.

It was a fountain, a fountain I couldn't contain any longer. I've been trying my hardest to stay strong throughout this...but it's so hard. I knew I was bound to crack, but I wanted to stay strong. I needed to stay strong, for their sake.

My knees collapsed and I fell to the wooden floor of the bridge, my mind filling with doubt. All these walls I've built up, shattered. "I can't, I can't I can't I can't! I need to leave...I need to be home. I need to watch as Daehyun grows up...How can I be an older sister if I'm not there to be one!?" I muttered soulfully to myself. I was breaking. I've been in this game for what feels like forever, it's taken a toll on my emotions.

I stayed there, on the ground, watching the sky turn a golden yellow in the early hours of the day. My vision was blurry and my throat was sore, my eyes lids were heavy, slowly falling, entranced by sleep. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the wood below.

But...I woke up in a room I've never seen before. I sat up in the bed, rubbing my eyes so hard I saw stars. My head was pounding and I felt sick, but when I did open my eyes I saw Namjoon sitting at the edge of the bed, looking out the window. He noticed my motions and turned his attention to me.

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