Ch. VI

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I woke up at the crack of dawn, unable to sleep with the light, just like I did every morning. I swung my feet over the side of the bed, planting them firmly on the ground. I stood and walked over to the chair, packing my bag up. I swung it over my shoulder and I opened the door, stepping out onto the bridge.

I looked around, inhaling the dewy air. Whoever made this game at least made it somewhat peaceful. I slid down the ladder and began my trek into the forest. It was my routine, I've been doing it for a while, but now I've got Taehyung and Yoongi. He's gotta have to help eventually, either with Taehyung or myself, for now I suppose I'll let him sleep.

A while had passed, and I've found nothing of significance. As of lately, nothing has really come up. I was planning on turning back after not finding anything, but I had tripped and fallen over. My foot had gotten stuck in a vine and as I tried to untangle myself, I heard a low growl, one that I have come familiar with.

I looked up and was meant with a Lineer. The silky, black creature stared at me. This has been by far the biggest one I've ever seen. His horns were bigger and thicker, and, well, this one was just bigger in general. He must be the alpha...

I untangled myself form the vine, slowly standing up and backing away from the Lineer. I didn't want to make any sudden movements, unsure of what this huge creature was capable of. Each step I took back, it took a step forward. I stopped, he stopped. I tilted my head to the left, he titled his head to the right. I was beyond confused.

I started back up again, and he just followed. I ended up backing all the way back to camp, glancing over my shoulder every now and again. I could see Taehyung out of the corner of my eye, he stood frozen still in the animal pen. "Taehyung, I need you to stay back, okay?" He didn't answer me. I thought he'd be gone by now, but he wasn't. He was still following me.

I heard a sound come from deep in the forest, one that I could not place. I looked at Taehyung for a second, seeing if he heard it too, and when I turned back the Lineer was running past me, into the forest off the side of structure. I looked to Tae, who was standing completely still. I chuckled as I walked over to him.

"Tae, you good?" I patted is shoulder, taking him out of his trance-like state of mind. "I uh—Yeah...yeah I am. What was that?"

"I call them Lineers." His face dropped and his body relaxed, he looked at me with disgusted eyes.

"That's a dumb name." I rolled my own. "Well, it was the best thing I could come up with, okay?" I lightly hit his arm. "Where's Yoongi at?" I asked Tae.

"Not sure, I didn't see him leave his room this morning." He shrugged carelessly.

"Huh," I pushed my tongue against the inside of my cheek. "I'll go check if he's there." Taehyung nodded and went back to whatever he was doing. I climbed up the ladder and walked around until I found the room with Yoongi's name on the door. He chose the room farthest away from all the others, I wonder why?

I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again a little harder. "Yoongi, you in there?" Still no answer. I opened the door expecting the room to be empty, but Yoongi was in his bed. Sound asleep.

It wasn't that late in the day so I didn't see this as that big of a deal, but, if he's going to be apart of our group, he has play his part. I walked next to his sleeping figure and shook him lightly by the shoulder. He rolled over with a grunt. I stood up straight and put my hands on my hips.

I normally did this to Daehyun every morning when he refused to get up. I reached down and grabbed his wrist, yanking him off the bed. He fell to the ground with a thud. He woke up instantly.

"What the fuck, Y/N! I was sleeping!" He got up from the floor, red in the face. "I can see that," I laughed. "Well, sweets, you need to learn to wake up. Come on."

I left his room and he reluctantly followed behind me. I slid down the ladder and walked over to Tae. "Found Yoongi, he was sleeping still."

Tae dropped the shovel he was previously holding with a gasp. "No. Really?"

"Yup." I looked back over my shoulder at Yoongi, making his way down the ladder slowly. "Shame." Taehyung pointed to Yoongi, who was now slowly walking over to us, half asleep. I turned fully around and watched as Yoongi shuffled over to the fire pit, sitting down on one of the logs. Taehyung picked his shovel back up and I patted his shoulder. "Hold on a sec." I said before making my way towards Yoongi.

I stepped over the log and sat besides him. "Ya know," I began, looking over to him. He had small bags under his eyes. "if you keep sleeping in, you'll miss some pretty cool stuff."

"Like what?" He yawned with a stretch.

"Well, this morning I went out, and something followed me home. It ended up running away, but you should've seen Tae's face."

"Hey!" Taehyung yelled from the livestock pen, obviously overhearing my statement. "Now, Yoongi, I have to ask you a question."

He hummed in response, still clearly tired. "Would you want to wake up early with me—"

"No." He said, looking over to me, not even letting me finish. I cleared my throat. "Would you like to wake up early with me and come to search the area, maybe see some cool stuff, or stay with Taehyung and help him with the crops."

"What's the point of going out, I thought you've been here for a long time?" He argued. "Yeah I have but sometimes the games puts stuff in the forest for us to find." He hummed.

"But if I stay with him, I get to sleep?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I suppose, but nearly as much as you did today. I'll make sure he wakes you up before he goes off to work."

He threw his head back with a grunt. I shrugged. "Sorry, sweets. But if you wanna stay here, you gotta play by the rules."

"Fine." I smiled and patted his shoulder. He turned his head and looked over to me, smiling lightly. I stood up from the log, wandering back to the pen. I wonder how long it'll be before another one comes into the game. I hope it's not too long.

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