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I woke up on the floor to the silent hum of the morning air and the soft light that fell through my window. I groaned and stretched my arms. Despite what happened to my last night, I feel so refreshed and calm.

I stood up, cracking my back in process, I grabbed my bag along with the blue mimic. Even though Yoongi said not to, I am going to take Jungkook out and into the forest. Because I swear, he was the one meant for this stupid bag.

I stepped out into the cold morning air and skipped around trying to find Jungkook's room. I found a door, quite near my own, with his name engraved into it. I knocked lightly on the door, no answer. I knocked again, louder and harder this time around. When he didn't answer for a second time, I assumed this was going to be another 'Yoongi Incident'. 

I opened the door, seeing Jungkook not inside. I furrowed my eyebrows and stepped back out to the bridge. I leaned over the edge, still not seeing him anywhere. "Where the hell you'd run off to?" I mumbled to myself.

I walked over to the ladder, his pack still in my hands. I slowly made my way down. After what happened with my leg and wrist and neither of them hurting this morning after I vividly remember immense pain last night made me a little bit worried.

When I got to the bottom of the ladder, I began walking towards the fire pit, I might be able to see farther into the woods from there. Before I even took a single step, something grabbed my shoulder. My instincts kicked in and a turned around and punched whatever had grabbed me.

He groaned in pain and I watched as Jungkook held tightly onto his stomach and fell to the cold morning grass. My eyes widened. He rolled over, clearly in pain. I just started to laugh.

"N-not funny." He mumbled out. While still laughing, I helped him off the ground. "Don't be yelling at me, you're the one you scared my half to death." I said, in a more serious tone.

"I didn't think you'd punch me so damn hard." He grumbled under his breath. I chuckled and threw his bag to him. He caught it, somehow.

"Well, now ya know what periods are like. Now, c'mon, we gotta go and comeback in time for lunch." I began walking off into the forest, Jungkook running up beside me.

"Wait, what do you mean, 'I now know what periods are like'?" I laughed and his innocence. "You'll never know." He stayed quiet.

We walked around for quite some time, I kept pointing some things out to Kookie as we went through the forest. Jungkook was walking more slowly than when we started. "Can we go back now?" He whined. I sighed. This is the fifth time he's asked...within the last three minutes. I turned around, seeing him at least a few feet behind me. "You're tired already?"

He groaned. "I'm still in pain, okay? Can we go back now?" I sighed and stopped walking. "Do you know what happened to me last night?"

"What, no. How would I?" I walked up to him. "I probably sprained my wrist and that thing bit my leg."


"A lineer came by and helped...though I'm not actually sure how. So don't be complaining, alright?" I flicked his chin. He grumbled. "We're almost done, anyways." I started walking away and he was walking besides me. "So...last got hurt but didn't get hurt?"

"I have no clue," I shrugged. "All I remember was being...terrified."

"It was all my fault, Y/N." He said sadly and I bursted out laughing. "How?"

"If I didn't go outside to get water I wouldn't have been so scared I couldn't move and then Yoongi wouldn't have been there to get your attention." I looked over at him. "Kiddo," He met my eyes. "It's not your fault. I'm alright, aren't I?" He smiled and nodded.

We continued walking until we got to the structure where we found everyone else working.  Taehyung saw us and waved. "Hey guys! Come over here we need to--" He was cut off by a high pitched scream, much of a girl's. I thought back to the creature from last night, 'You're not supposed to be here.' I shuddered at the thought of the thing.

I felt a tight grip on my hand, it was Taehyung. He nodded at me and pulled me into the woods, most likely to find the cause of the sound. All six of us all ran into the woods, looking for the new player, at least we all assumed it was a new player.

We found a limp body laying on the ground. It groaned. Hoseok ran up to them, and kneeled next to the boy. "Are you hurt?" He asked softly. I approached the two, standing directly behind Hobi.

The boy lifted his head slowly. "Who are you?" 

"I'm Y/N, and this is Hoseok. Welcome to Alvis Defected, Cutie." I could sense all the eye rolls directed towards me, mostly Tae and Yoongi's.

He sat up fully. "Alvis Defected? Like the video game? Does that mean I'm in the video game?" Hoseok stood up and offered 'Cutie' and hand. He took it with no hesitation. He was quite short, even shorter than me. It made me chuckle to myself unknowingly.

"What's your name, Cutie?" His attention was now fully on me.

"Jimin. H-how did I get here?" Taehyung approached the three of us, joining the conversation. "Well, for one, you fell from the sky," He pointed towards the blue sky above us, causing Jimin to look upwards. "We all did, because we were dumb enough to play the game."

"The game took us here?" He asked. Yoongi grunted annoyed from behind him. Everyone turned their heads to Yoongi, whose arms are crossed as he lent against a tree. "No, a fucking wizard brought you here, kid." His voice was laced in sarcasm.

"Shut it, Sweets." I pointed my finger to him. I focused back on Jimin. "Come with us, Cutie. We'll take you 'home'. Our home." As if on cue, the boys all turned around, heading back to camp. Leaving Jimin and I alone in the woods. I started walking away and motioned for him to follow. "H-how long will we be here?" He asked shyly.

"Not sure. I've been here for God know how long...I want to leave this place so badly." I clenched my fists. I felt a slight warmth on my hand. I looked down to see Jimin's hand holding onto mine. I looked up, he smiled. I loosened my grip.

"You seem like you know what you're doing, Y/N. I believe you." I might've not known this Jimin guy for very long, but I can tell, he's a sweet one. Gentle. I heard a soft "woah" escape from Jimin's lips as we approached the structure. "Make yourself at home, Cutie." He let go of my hand and ran off towards the guys. I chuckled as I, myself, walked over to them slowly. 

But then I started to wonder a bit. 

Why am I the only girl? I mean, the monster called me a Cheater, and flat out told that I'm not supposed to be here. To leave...So, why am I here? Is it because of Daehyun? He gave me the game because he didn't want it. He said a man gave it to him...the man had multiple copies...

I stopped walking.

Oh shit...

"I cheated..."

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