Ch. IV

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After our burnt dinner we decided to get some sleep. I put the fire out and Taehyung waited for me by the base of the ladder. "What are you doing, I told you I'd clean up."

He kicked the grass below his feet. "I know but, I didn't want to go alone. You're always talking about how you don't want to die and I got scared." I chuckled. "I'm sorry, Taehyung. I'll take you back, no problem." I grabbed a lantern I had lit earlier and walked with Taehyung back to his room.

I immediately noticed his name on the door, but he was distracted. I stood on the bridge and waited for him to open the door. He was about to, but stoped. He turned back around to me. "Did you do this?"

I shook my head. "How could I? I was with you all night, besides, it happened to me too. Good night, Taehyung." I turned and walked away. I heard Taehyung call "Good Night, Y/N." From behind me. I have to say, it feels good not be alone for once.

I got back into my room and decided to go straight to sleep, today was a bit out of the ordinary. I placed the lantern on the table and glance at the paper quickly before taking a second look. It's always been a blank sheet of paper, always, but now it read, "Rearrange."

I sat down at the table, looking at the paper again. I have no clue what this means, maybe Taehyung could help me tomorrow. I backed away from the table and crawled into bed. Looking out at the starless sky before closing my eyes.

I woke at the crack of dawn the next morning, it's hard to sleep when the sun shines right in my face. I ran to Taehyung's room and knocked on the door. When I got no answer, I knocked again, but more aggressively until Taehyung opened it. He looked very tired. "What is it?" His words were  slurred. I dragged him by his hand all the way back to my room.

"What the hell, Y/N?"

I opened the door and sat down, motioning him to too. "Throughout my time in AD," I began as Taehyung sat down, yawing. Poor thing. "I found this paper. It never made sense to me until last night...sort of. Look, it used to say nothing, now it says 'Rearrange.'" He looked up from the table with a confused glare.

"What are you talking about. It says 'The'. Where did you get 'Rearrange' from?" It was my turn to give him a confused look. "What? No, it says 'Rearrange.'"

"I don't see it." I leaned back in his chair. "That's so strange." I mumbled.

"Why? It's just a piece of paper." 

"It never used to say anything. But then you showed up and all of a sudden I saw a word on it, you don't see the same word though." Taehyung put a finger on his chin.

"Maybe, we're supposed to see different words, maybe it means something. 'Rearrange The', that could mean something." I thought about it for a second. "Touché, but what do we rearrange, is the question." I pressed, leaning forward, placing my elbows onto he table.

"I don't know. We might find out when someone else comes." He answered with shrug. I sighed. "That might be forever though. It was long enough waiting for you." I complained, a little whiney. But can you blame me? 

"Well," He stood up from the chair. "You better start getting to like me, sister." I chuckle and stood up as well. He stretched and I heard his back crack. "What time is it?" He yawned, walking towards the door.

I shrugged, even though he can't see me. I followed him out the door and waited for him to get down the ladder. He was like me at first, scared of the height. He was going real slowly. "I told you, time's tricky. I've gotten used to the time change by now."

"How was it?" He asked once he got to the bottom. I placed both my hands on the sides of the ladder and slid down it, getting down in less than half the time it took Taehyung to get down. He blinked at me. "How was what?" I walked past him and to the animal pens.

"Being alone for so long." 

I sighed but kept on walking. "Lonely," I forced a small laugh. "But I made do. I got a lot down, being alone. I always thought I was a loner, I didn't really have any friends before this. Only my brother."

"Aw, I'll be your friend." I turned around and faced Taehyung. He was defiantly more awake now, with a huge, boxy smile on his face. "Thanks, Princess." He rolled his eyes with a little scoff. "Okay, fine you can call me 'Princess', but only if I can call you 'N/N'."

I raised my hands in fake surrender. "Alright, theres no harm in that," I smiled. I guess being alone made me cold and distant, with Taehyung, I don't know, I feel like a child again. I feel me again. "Come with me, you can tend to our livestock." His eyes lit up. 

"I get to play with animals?"

"No." I laughed and Taehyung was already in the pen, petting a cow. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "I like this job." He giggled. Cute.

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