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"You hope what is what? What the fuck is going on, Y/N?" Yoongi blurts out in confusion. Hoseok immediately jumps up and ran to Yoongi, shaking him by his shoulders.

"We found it! We found it! Well, Jin did but, we found it, hyung!" He screams with joy, still shaking Yoongi.

"Found what?" Taehyung asked. I looked over to them, Jungkook look very confused and terrified. "The message, Tae...we can finally leave."

I stood up from my spot, Taehyung did too. I watched as a tear fell from his eye, I smiled. He ran to me with great speed and his arms opened wide. He collied with me, hugging me. Taehyung and I have been through it all, together.

Us both hearing the simple words, 'we can leave', meant so much to us. So, so much. We just cried together, not caring if the others were judging us or not, we were just so happy that we could leave. Finally, after all this time...we could be free.

While just standing there, I felt my legs grow weak. My knees locked and I fell into Taehyung. My head was swaying back in forth from a wave of light headedness.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, clearly worried about me. I wanted to answer, but I didn't, I couldn't. My brain and mouth weren't cooperating. I just let out a soft whine. Thats all I could let out. He gently laid me down onto the grass.

"What do I do? Guys! What do we do!?" He asked franticly, looking around at everybody. "No, no, no, no, Y/N. You can't die yet, we're too close!"

"V, calm down, she isn't going to die."

"How do you know!? She's weak, she's fading, she's dying." I watched as more tears fell from Tae's eyes. Not tears of happiness like the ones from before, these tears were anxious and scared. He looked down to me.

"Fading...fading. Fading!" Everyone looked at Jungkook, even me within my weak state of mind. "H-her legs, roll up her pant legs."

Yoongi knelt down to the ground and rolled up my left pant leg. It looked as if there wasn't any leg there. He rolled the pant back down and crawled up across from where Taehyung sat. He pulled up my shirt slightly, reveling a half see-through abdomen.

I tried sitting up, but my arms were too weak. I just fell back to the ground with a grunt. Taehyung helped me to sit up. My head was still swaying slightly from nausea. There was silence except for the faint, low cry that came out of Tae's mouth.

"We need to get her out go here before it's too late." Jimin said with a serious voice. They helped me to stand, which was difficult for me to do. Taehyung on my right, Hoseok on my left. They had my arm slung around their shoulders.

"K-kook.." I barely spoke out. He turned to me. "B-bags..get the ba-bags." Instantly he ran off to the structure and came running back with both green and red bag in hand. He put on his and threw mine at Jimin. Jimin didn't catch in time and because my bag was pretty heavy, he fell over.

He got himself up off the ground and put the bag on his back. Jimin looked to me. "Why the hell is your bag so damn have, girl?" Even if I am too weak to stand up without assistance, I chuckle a little at Jimin's comment, giving the short male a small smile.

"Hyung, where do we go?" Yoongi asked Jin, who was looking out into the forest. Jin slowly raises his hand. "This way. C'mon, we gotta get a move on. We are not going to let Y/N die in this cursed place."

He started walking off into the woods, towards where the sound had came from. We all followed, not so much me as my body wanted/needed rest but was being forced to move by the guys on either side of me.

• • •

After a while of walking, my legs had gotten stronger, but my mind weaker. I could walk, but I was forgetting how to. I was swaying and Taehyung kept having to keep me in line and not run straight into a tree.

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