Ch. II

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I stayed on that bed for a while, just staring into space, wondering if I was going crazy. I took a deep breath and slapped my face. I have to be dreaming. I screw my eyes shut, not wanting to look back outside. I placed my head into my hands.

I opened my eyes and I still saw the picture perfect landscape. I grunted and hit the windowsill. Why? Why me? Why did this happen? How did this happen?

Angry with myself I got up off the bed and opened the door. I looked out into the forest. I couldn't see that deep into the woods, thick pine, spruce, and aspen trees, with vines hanging off their branches made the forest dense.

I approached the ladder and slowly made my way down. The ladder was actually a very long descent down. The treehouses were pretty high up, and I was scared of falling from another great height.

I started to wander a bit, I just wanted to find a way home, to find a way out. I want to yell at Daehyun for giving me this stupid fucking thing in the first place. I was loosing all the hope I had, albeit it wasn't a whole lot to begin with.

I sighed and kicked a small stone as I walked, looking at the ground. I wanted to be cautious just in case whatever's out here doesn't get to me. I looked up to make sure I didn't run straight into a tree and saw something that wasn't like the rest.

I couldn't see it very well, it was too far away to tell what it was, all I knew was that it was red, bright red, it was almost like it was glowing, or that might just be my eyes. I started walking slowly towards it but once I could see it better, I ran to it. Kneeling next to it I could clearly tell that it was a back pack.

I opened it and found, what looked to be, a worn down med kit, tattered and frayed rope, a pocket knife that actually seemed to be in pretty good condition, a rusty compass, an empty water bottle, and four granola bars. I looked around for any sign of life, trying to see if this belongs to someone. I looked back down at it and zipped it up. I swung it over my shoulder I and started to wander around some more.

At one point the trees got really thick and I couldn't see the sun above me anymore. I pushed through some tall shrubs and a curtain of vines. When I got through I saw the side structure again. I squinted at it. Did I walk in a gigantic circle?

I made my way to the front of the structure, where the ladder was. I climbed back up the ladder and was about to enter the same room, when I noticed something odd about the door. The first time I went in here, There wasn't anything on the door, just wood, this time around, My name was carved into it.

I walked up to it and traced the engraving with my fingers. There were slivers of wood on the ground in front of the door. I turned around, slightly freaked out.

"Hello? Is anyone there!?" Once again, I got no answer. I shudder and slowly entered the room. I dumped the contents of the bag onto the bed. I took the med kit and rope and put them onto the shelves. I put the compass, knife, water bottle, and bars on the table. I hung the bag itself on the chair.

I sat myself onto the bed and questioned my sanity. Was I really in the game? Was I crazy? Am I hallucinating, or high? I had so many questions and not enough answers.

I turned to look out the window once again, watching the sun set in the distance. How long have I been here? It only seemed like an hour or two, how is the sun already setting? I went to check my watch, but found that it wasn't there. I looked down at my body and noticed that the clothes I was wearing before were gone and replaced with clothes that were most certainly not mine.

I forget about it, or at least try to, and lay my head down on the stiff pillow below me. As the sun goes down, so does my spirit. I'm not sure how many more nights I am going to have to lay in this strange bed, but I have a feeling, it's going to be a lot. I close my eyes, and even though I'm not a religious person, I prayed that I'd get out and that I'd be safe.

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