Ch. IX

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Time, after time, after time again. I wake up at dawn, go out, come back, eat, sleep and repeat. It's past routine by now. I'm not entirely sure how long I've been doing this routine, but I've been doing it with this team. This team I call a family.

But after a while I've noticed that I can't recall a lot from before. I think I've been slowly forgetting my life before this game. I can barely remember the town I grew up in, or the faces of my parents. Everything is just a big blur.

As of now I'm sitting on a log near the river, thinking, trying to remember the faces and names of people from my past. I know I had a mother...but what was her name? I pondered for a while, trying my hardest to remember anything, when something falls in front of me, across the river.
I stood up, trying to get a better view of what just happened. A muffled groan came from the trees on other side of the river. I walked through the river slowly crossing to the other side. I'm not sure where this thing fell to, I wasn't paying attention.

I searched a small while for whatever fell from the sky and found a figure lying on the ground and I instantly ran to it. It was another boy. He seemed to be unconscious. Wet blood clung to his hair and forehead. I freaked and tried my best to pick him up. He was heavy as all hell, but I couldn't leave him here. I threw him over my shoulder, trying hard not to fall over. I ran all the way back to camp, the quicker I got there the better for myself and this kid.

"Hey dreamer girl, finally—," Yoongi started, cutting himself off once he saw me struggling to carrying the body from the woods. "Whoa...what the hell?" I ignored him and tried to climb up the ladder with this boy still hung over my shoulder. I was carful not to drop him, but he needed help right away, the fresh blood on his head have it away. I went straight for my room, kicking open the door and placing him onto my bed.

I went for my med kit, scrambling to find the right things to treat his wound. While scrambling, searching for items in the almost empty med kit, I Yoongi entered the room. "What the hell is going on, Y/N? Who the fuck is that?" I found my things and ran over to the unconscious boy, lying limply on the bed.

I placed my finger under his nose, and he wasn't breathing. "He's not breathing," I mumbled, thinking out loud. "Yoongi, he's not breathing!" I turned to him franticly then immediately back to the dying boy.

"I-I don't remember CPR I—" I was hardcore panicking at this point.

"Move, I do." Yoongi pushed me aside and began to do CPR on the lifeless body. Compressions, breaths, everything.

"Shit— It's not working!" He looked over to me for an answer. "I-I don't know what to do! Try harder!"

"I'm trying as hard as I can, Y/N!" He went back to giving the boy CPR. I started to worry that this kid would died on watch. My breathing hitched and I clutched my chest, trying to calm myself down. All of a sudden, the boy sat up with a giant breath, eyes wide open, and fell back onto the bed.

Yoongi backed away from the bed in shock. "I-is he alive?" He asked, letting me get closer to him. I took two of my fingers and placed them beneath his jawline, looking for a pulse. There was one, and it was fast. "Yeah, he is. Thank god."

I picked up my supplies and started to clean the cut on his forehead. My hands were shaking, especially with Yoongi watching over my shoulder.

I cleaned it quickly and wrapped his head in gauze. I fell to my knees out of relief from all the stress. Yooongi kneeled down next to me. "Who is this guy?"

"I'm not sure. I was just sitting by the river and I saw something fall out of the sky. When I went to investigate, I saw him. I took him over here instantly, I didn't know he was literally dying, though," I chuckled a little bit. "I should probably help him over the next couple of days."

"Wait so, is he a player? Cause then why's he like...dead? That hasn't to happen to any of us."

"I don't know," I shrugged tiredly. "I think he's a player. I just don't know why he came in this way. I'm really clueless."

I didn't go to dinner that night. I stayed with the, now sleeping, boy. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask him. Like why he came in so differently, if he was a player, or if he knew how to escape and that's why this happened to him.

I wanted answers, but I knew that I wouldn't get anything, yet. I heard a faint knock on the door. I stood up from the edge of the bed and walked over to open it. On the other side stood Hoseok, a bright smile on his face.

"Hey, Y/N. Yoongi said that you'd be up here, I brought you some food." He handed me a plate. I motioned for him to come inside. He sat at one of the chairs, I sat myself at the other. I picked slowly at the food, I wasn't that hungry, but I didn't want to make Hoseok feel bad.

"So, who's the new guy?" He asked, looking over at the boy, soundly sleeping on my bed. I shrugged. "Not sure. I just found him unconscious in the woods."

"Unconscious?" I nodded.

"I don't know why...I'm going to wait until he wakes up, then once he does, we'll ask for answers." Hoseok looked back to me and nodded. He was about to stand up, but I reached across the table placing my hand on his, stopping his actions.

"Sit, please," He sat down without complaint. I took a deep breath in, glancing at the boy on the bed. "I was meant to ask this a while back but I forgot," he hummed, understanding. "So how did you and Namjoon get into here?"

"We set up two controllers and we were both able to play. It did a whole 'player 1' and 'player 2' sorta deal so Namjoon and I put in our names," he chuckled lowly. "I wouldn't have if I'd known that I'd end up here."

"Neither would I." He stood up from the chair again but I didn't try to stop him this time. He walked towards the door, pushing it open slowly, he turned back and made eye contact with me.

"Well, I don't want to bother you. You seem to have your hands full," he laughed a little. "So, good night, Y/N." He smiled, showing off its heart-like shape. "Um, yeah. Good night, Hoseok." I waved him good bye as he exited my room, leaving me alone again, with a stranger sleeping in my bed.

I sighed as I stood up from my chair, walking over to the sleeping boy. I sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to wake him. It'd be helpful if he awoke, but I just didn't want to disturb him. He seemed peaceful.

I scooted myself back so  my back leaned against the wall, just at the base of his feet. I looked out the window, looking at the stars twinkle in the night sky, the forever full moon casting a shine beautifully on the forest outside. I kept glancing back over to the sleeping boy every once in a while, just to make sure he was okay.

At one point it was hard for me to keep my eyes open any longer. I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the uncomfortable wall behind me.

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