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They boys paused, turning around to stare at me, stopped right at the edge of the clearing. Jungkook opened and closed his mouth before saying, "Pardon?" I stared back blankly at them, unable to actually think too clearly.

"I'm a cheater." I spoke quietly. They all exchanged glances at each other, clearly worried. Jungkook slowly approached me. He put his big hand on my shoulder, obstructing my vision with his chest. I stared through him. "What are you talking about, Y/N?" I ignored him, pushing away and making my way to the rest of the group.

I stopped in front of Jimin, taking hold of his hands. "Did anyone give you the game? Like, a shady man?" I asked, what for the answer. He slowly nodded his head. I let go of his hands. I pointed to Yoongi, who stood next to Jimin.

"Sweets, how did you get the game?"

"This random guy outside a grocery store handed it to me. Why? What's this all about Y/N?" I ignored him spun around to face Namjoon. I pointed at him and I instantly watched him freeze under my glare.

"You." He glanced around quickly before locking eyes with me again. "A guy in the mall." I directed my vision to Hoseok, not saying a word. "I was with Namjoon that day, he said it was a multiplayer... so we took it home a tried it."

"Jungkook, how'd you get the game?" Everyone seemed to be interested in his response as well. He came so weirdly, practically dead. Everything went quite as we awaited his answer. He looked to the forest floor, kicking the soft grass with the toe of his shoe. "I-I was with my hyung... This guy came over to us and shoved it towards us, forcing us to take it. I tried giving it to my brother, but he didn't want it. H-he ended up playing it after my protests, but entered my name instead of his in the little option thingy. Next thing I knew, I woke up here."

He looked up at us, looking as scared as always. Taehyung walked over to where I stood and placed his hand on my arm, causing me to turn and face him. "Why do you want to know all of this, Y/N? How'd you get a copy?" I lowered my head slightly.

"My brother said a guy at GameStop gave him the copy—"

"You goes to GameStop anymore?" Yoongi asked, arms crossed. I shrugged, somehow remembering the exact scene I had with my brother, right before the game. "Well, he does... He gave the game to me for my birthday. I played it, now I'm here," I pushed Taehyung's hand off of me and faced all the boys.

"But haven't you noticed? I'm a girl."

"We can tell, Y/N." Yoongi replied smugly.

"Shut it, Sweets." He raised his hands in defeat. I pointed to myself. "I'm the only girl. And none of you are," out of the corner of my eye I saw Yoongi's mouth opening. "Yoongi I swear to god if you make a comment I will punch you." I glared at Yoongi before he had a chance to speak.

"Yeah they uh...really hurt." Jungkook whispered to Yoongi.

"Don't you think it's odd? I'm the only one here that is female. The monster called me out being a cheater, and that I'm not supposed to be here."

"What monster?" Hoseok asked, voice slightly shaky. "There're monsters that talk!?" Namjoon patted his back sympathetically.

"Yeah, but what of it?" Yoongi spoke out.

"It called me out, Yoongi. That's what I'm saying." I franticly say within two breaths. "Y/N?" Jimin asked shyly. I turned my head slightly to look at him. "What are you implying?" He asked, a bit more confidant. I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I think that without me...there wouldn't be an exit," They all stared at me blankly. I sighed. "Okay, what don't you get?"

"So you're saying that you're a cheater, because you're a girl, and because of that you're not supposed to be here. And that somehow means that you're the one who is to find the way for us to escape?" Namjoon asks. It takes me a moment to process what he said.

"Uh, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."

"How'd you figure that out?" He asked, seemingly amused at my accusation.

"There was this thing—a monster that came to camp last night. It cornered and chased me...and spoke to me. Actually spoke to me... I see why now."

"I don't. I still don't." Yoongi said. I sighed.

"I'm a cheater—"

"We get that, N/N. Why are you a cheater? That's what hyung wants to know." Taehyung interrupted me.

"I understand that. I'm a cheater because I played the game. I put in my name when my brother was supposed to be the one to do it." The boys all had a sudden wave of realization.

"That's why I'm a cheater. That's why I'm not supposed to be here."


No one said a single word. "I-I'll go get the paper." Taehyung said sheepishly as he slowly walked over to the ladder.

"Paper?" Jimin asked. Through this crazy realization of mine, I totally forgot that Jimin was new. I mentally face palmed myself for being so naive. Taehyung came back and placed the paper into his small hands.

"You think we'll be able to figure it all out after this?" Hoseok whispered in my ear. I shook my head. "I don't think so. But you never know...we'll see."

Jimin stared at the paper with furrowed brows. "Whats it say?" Tae asked him. "It says 'Given'. No context at all, why?" Jungkook leaned over to tell him. He let out a soft 'Ooh' after Jungkook explained it to him.

"What's it say together then?" Jimin asked, handing the paper back to Taehyung. "'Rearrange The Letters Of The Game's Given'. We're this close!" Taehyung said, holding his hand in front of his face, placing two finger less than an inch apart.

Jimin giggled. "Yeah well, some of us have been here forever. You're lucky." Yoongi spat at Jimin, making him stop his adorable giggles. I walked to Yoongi and flicked his forehead.

"Does that mouth of yours only speak in snarky remarks? C'mon, Sweets, don't be like that."

The boys started laughing, and I saw a slight pink tinge appear on his pale cheeks, causing me to laugh too. Yoongi seemed shy, but then also let out a small chuckle.

I looked to the sky, the sun still high in the air. I smiled in its warmth, closing my eyes, hearing the joy around me. It felt so pleasant, but I knew, that whenever I closed my eyes for a rest, more of my memory faded away into nothing.

A shriek made my eyes jerk open.

"Y/N! Your hand!"

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