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I couldn't see their faces anymore. Everything was white. I closed my eye, expecting  the worst. Things went black. I couldn't see, maybe because my eyes weren't open, but things felt, different. Unfamiliar. 

I picked up my head and sat up. My held my head in pain, my vision was fuzzy.

"What are you doing on the floor?" A voice asked. It confused me. I looked to see where the voice came from, my vision still a blur. I squinted my eyes at the figure in front of me.

"Noona? Are you okay?"

At first I thought it was Kookie, because he called me 'Noona', but then my eye adjusted and I could clearly make out the figure. It wasn't Kookie, nor was it any of the others.

"Daehyun?" I asked, unsure if I was hallucinating or it was really him. He gave me an odd look, like he was judging me. "Yeah?"

I sprang up off the floor, ran to him, and hugged him. I squished him against me as a tear left my eye. It feels like forever since I last saw  him. He was squirming, but I didn't want to let go. He pushed me away.

"What's gotten into you, Y/N?" I laughed and wiped the tear off my cheek. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me." I laughed at myself, but soon stopped.

Daeehyun passed me and sat on the couch. "H-how long has it been?"


"How long was I gone?"

He picked up the controller off the ground and starred at me. "When did you leave?" I laughed in confusion as he booted up the game. I froze. "I never left? How?"

I thought out loud. Daehyun turned to me again. "Actually though, are you feeling okay? You were okay a minute ago..what did you do when I was in the bathroom, god women."

"Bathroom? You...I...I don't know." He shrugged and pressed play. My eyes widen once I realized what he was doing. I wanted to yell at him to stop and to turn it off, but my mouth wasn't moving.

The screen went black and a weird static noise came from the consul. Static appeared on the screen with the text, 

'G A M E O V E R'

Daehyun looked at me with a strange look. "Did you already play?" I shook my head.

"It must be a glitch. Let's just throw it out, it doesn't seem like it's working anyways." I shrugged. He slid off the couch and to the consul. He took it out and put it back into the tattered sleeve. He got up off the floor and handed me the game.

"Hey, get another game out and ready, I'll play anything."

"Really!?" His eyes lit up like a thousand stars. I nodded my head with a smile as I left the room. I walked down the stairs and into the main entrance. I sigh as I place my hand on the door handle. I turn it slowly and exit my home.

I walked out and walked to the edge of the street. I opened the lid to the trashcan and threw the cursed game inside. I shut the lid with a heavy sigh.


A voice said out of no where. I got scared and fell backwards, only to be caught in the arms of someone. I looked up and was met with a failure face. He helped me to stand straight again. When I saw his full face in better light, I froze.

I wanted to say his name, but a part of me didn't want to be humiliated if it wasn't him. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly with a small chuckle. "Hi, I'm new here, my family just moved in that house right there." He pointed across the street, where there was a big moving truck. How did I not see that earlier?

"I guess I'm your new neighbor." He smiled that smile that always warms my day. I melted as I saw it.

"My name's Taehyung, by the way." I smiled and whispered a soft, "I know."

"What was that?" He asked, unsure of what I said. I looked up with a smirk. 

"Welcome to the development...Princess." I laughed to myself as I had major deja vu. "I am not a girl, princess."

He was just as snarky as the first time I met him. I rolled my eyes playfully like I had once before. "Leave the name calling to me, Princess." I winked at him. I saw a faint red creep onto his cheeks. I laughed and held out my hand.

"I'm Y/N." He took my hand and gave it a strong shake. "Have I met before? You seem so...familiar."

"No, can't say we have." I smiled while I told my little white lie.

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