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Yoongi, Taehyung, and I have been in this place for only god knows how long. If I tried I'm sure I could've kept track of the days, but I've been so busy lately that I forget. Besides that, Yoongi miraculously gets up in the morning, with the help of Tae, of course.

I still haven't found anything out in the woods, and honestly, I'm not sure why I keep going out very well knowing that there's nothing there for me to find. I guess it's just routine, programmed into my brain. If I didn't do it I'm not sure what I would do.

It's late evening, the only light coming from the full moon out tonight and a lantern Taehyung is holding above his head. The three of us are getting ready to go to sleep. I picked the dishes and washed them in the river, as always. On the other side of the river I see a deer. I like that whoever made this game put 'normal' things in as well monsters. Great to see they have some form of dignity.

Once I no longer saw Taehyung or Yoongi, I made my way over to the ladder, climbing up slowly, tired. I pushed open the door and closed it behind me. I was just about to lay down, when I heard a loud, and I mean loud, screech. Maybe even two, considering how loud it was. I quickly ran out my room to see if anything was in the area, my tiredness quickly disappearing. I looked around, seeing both Taehyung and Yoongi in the distance, they must've heard it too.

They both ran to where I stood, leaning over the railing of the bridge. "What the fuck was that? A Lineer?" Yoongi asked. I shook my head.

"Lineers sound nothing like that."

"Then what could it be?" Tae asked this time. I was hesitant to answer, thinking about what it could be. "I...I'm not sure. I'll go check." I quickly ran back into my room to grab my bag. While doing so I heard Taehyung say something to Yoongi.

"I'm not should."

"Why me?"

"Because I'm scared, and you're tough."

"Oh so you think I'm not scared?" I stepped out into the cold, night air once again and they were still bickering, but I had to go. I had to figure out what was out there. After not finding anything for a long time, my Adrenalin kicked in and I had to figure out what was out there.

"Ladies, ladies, calm your tits, are you coming with me or not?" I asked, not hesitating to head towards the ladder. I climbed down a few rings, looking back at them. Neither of them answered. I sighed, slightly irritated. I let my grip loosen, letting my body slide down the ladder until my feet hit the ground. "Guess I'm going alone." I turned away from the structure and started walking off into the forest

"Wait!" I heard Yoongi yell. I turned back around and looked at him expectantly. "I'll go." He said as he climbed down the ladder. I smiled through the darkness.

"Tae?" He looked over the edge of the bridge. "Look after the camp, make sure nothing comes, okay?" He nodded his head reassuringly. I grabbed Yoongi's hand and ran into the forest without thinking twice.

When we got deeper into the woods, we separated, walking in silence, hearing this world around us, listening for any other noises out of the ordinary. The wind blew softly, rustling leaves. The grass crunched with every step we took. I was dark, and we could really only go off our hearing.

My head perked up at the sound of two voices, not ours, but others. I looked around for Yoongi, and it seemed as though he heard it too. We could hear their conversation clearly, we must be close.

"Hyung, are you sure you don't know where we are?"

"I'm pretty sure...Does this place look familiar to you, Mr. 200,000 IQ?"

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