Ch. V

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I've spend some time with Taehung over the past week or so and have noticed some things about him. He is very happy and playful with the livestock, which I find a bit weird, but none the less, it's really cute. He seems to be greatly afraid of the dark, as he asks me to walk him to bed every night. 

As of the moment, I am tending to the fields, or our crops. I had already gone on out on what I call my "expeditions", it's where I just look and try to find any clue towards our escape. I looked over my shoulder to where Taehyung is supposed to be tending to our livestock. But instead he's crouched over in the middle of the pen.

I walked over to him and leaned my elbows on the wooden railing of the pen. "Whatcha doing there, Tae?" I asked. I turned around and faced me. "I'm playing with this squirrel I found-- Hey, no come back!" The squirrel ran away and up the closest tree. Taehyung pouted and I laughed. "You scared him away!" He whined. I just continued to laugh. "Did I? I'm sorry Princess." I said cheekily. Taehyung quit his act and smiled.

"Okay, okay. You got me," He chuckled and hoped over the pen's rail. "But you know--" Taehyung began, but was interrupted by a loud scream followed by a thud coming from deeper within the forest. "What was that?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"I have an idea, but I'll go check." Tae clung to my arm. "I'm coming too!" I chuckled and continued into the forest, Taehyung close behind me. Before we got too far into the forest, we both heard a very distinct voice. "Where the fuck am I!?" The thing shouted. I gave Taehyung a look. "I think it's another one." He said. He ran off into the forest towards the cause of voice. "Taehyung, wait!" I called as I chased after him. I couldn't see Tae, as he ran off into the distance, but I did hear the voice again. 

"The fuck-- Who are you!? Stay away!" 

I ran faster towards the voice. I saw Taehyung's back approaching another man. The guy was pinned up against a tree, clearly freighted. "I'm Taehyung, and that's Y/N." He said, clearly sensing my presence. I got closer to him. "We're in the same situation as you, let us help." Taehyung spoke again. The guy still looked terrified and back away from the tree.

"Where the fuck are we?"

"We're in Alvis Defected, sweetheart." I said, obviously enjoying having the higher power here. Taehyung turned and looked at me. "Okay, so I'm 'Princess' and he's 'Sweetheart'? What's up with you and names, Y/N?" I shrugged and turned my attention to the man, still slowly backing away from us.

"What's your name, sweets?" Taehyung threw his hands in the air out of frustration and I just laughed at his action over my name calling. "Why would I tell you that?" The guy said offensively. "Because we're trying to help you." Tae said with a smile. The guy sighed and stoped backing away. "My name's Yoongi."

I smiled too. "Well, Yoongi, come with us. We'll bring you home."

"You...You can take me back home?" I began walking backwards before turning around, Tae next to me, Yoongi ran up on the other side of me. "No, not exactly. Our AD home. It was here for us, so we use it." I answered.

We had a quite walk back. Once we came upon our 'home', I saw Yoongi's eyes light up. I walked straight to the fields to do more work. "Tae, could you do the honor in showing Yoongi around?"

"Sure, come with me, Yoongs-- Can I call you 'Yoongs'?"

"Uh no."

"What can I call you then?"

"Call me Suga." I heard their conversation as they walked away. I, on the other hand, was plucking carrots out of the ground for dinner tonight. I secretly started to worry a bit. If more people get tricked by the game, then we won't have enough food to last. It was fine with Tae and I, and I'm sure that one more person wouldn't hurt, but a few more people could.

At some points, they passed me by while Tae gave 'Suga' his tour. I looked up to the sky, it's getting late. I took the carrots I gathered along with some other things over to the fire pit and began to prepare it. "Food!" I heard Tae in the distance. I chuckled and started the fire. Tae came and sat next to me. "Did you get Yoongi a room?" I asked him. He was hesitant to answer, so I looked at him. "Yesss." He says unconvincingly. I lightly punched his arm.

"Taehyung! You need to do your job!"

"Since when was this my job?" Tae pointed to himself. I shoved him off the log with a laugh. He laughed too, assuring me that he wasn't hurt. 

"Fine, mom, I'll get Yoongi a roooom." He whined like a child, making me laugh. Where was Yoongi during all of this? He was watching awkwardly from the other side of the fire. Tae ran to him and pulled him by his arm up the ladder.

Taehyung never seizes to amazing me. While he was doing 'his job' I was cooking, making sure not to burn it this time. I was thinking for a while, humming a simple little tune. It was easy for me to get distracted, but something about the fire and thus forest made me feel focused and secure.

I wonder how many more people would get sucked into this game. There are five more rooms left, will five more come then? I saw Taehyung and Yoongi approaching me from the corner of my eye, breaking my train of thought. I gave them both plate and Yoongi thanked me softly. I smiled at him, though I don't think he noticed.

After we all ate I picked up after the boys. I am not one for gender rolls, but I do think I would be better at this job than they would. "Hey Yoongi, do you like music?" I heard Tae ask Yoongi. "Uh yeah, I do."

"Really?" He seemed like child at most times. Yoongi seemed hesitant to respond, giving me the time to finish up and sit on the log along with them. "Yeah, I mean, who doesn't?"

"He's gotta point, Tae." 

"Well, thank you guys but I'm pretty tired, so." Yoongi stood up from the log and began to walk to the ladder. Tae looked at me, eyes widened. "Y/N, the paper!" He didn't give me time to respond and ran after Yoongi. I followed suite. The three of us climbed up the ladder. Once at the top, Yoongi tried to go to his room, but Tae dragged him over to mine instead. 

He opened the door and pushed him inside. "Taehyung, not so rough, he's new." I say and gently close the door behind us. Taehyung picks up the paper from the table and shoves it into Yoongi's face.

"Can you tell us what this says...please?" Yoongi gave Taehyung a look, but took the note and sat down at the table. He looked at me then at Taehyung before sighing and reading the note. "It just says 'Letters', and nothing else. Is this like some kind of trick or--" Taehyung cut him off while he was thinking aloud. 

"'Rearrange The Letters'. Hmm, interesting." Yoongi gave him a confused glare. "What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked, his voice getting deeper with his ever-growing annoyance.

I sat down across from him. "One day I was walking out in the forest, I came back home and there was this piece of paper," I picked up the note for emphasis. "Taped onto my door. I don't where it came from, or who put it there and it was completely blank, until Tae came. Somehow, his presence in the game triggered something and I could read the word 'Rearrange' on it. I asked Tae to read it, he said it read 'The'. It confused the hell out of the both of us at first, but now we think that it's the clue to escaping. We just need to wait for more people to come to crack it's code."

Yoongi's glare softened. "That doesn't make any sense." I sigh. "I know, nothing in this world does."

"Just look at how you got here. That doesn't make sense either, yet, here you are. Inside a video game!" Tae butted in. I stood up from the chair and walked to the door. I opened it. "Well, tomorrow is another day. Good night."

Yoongi stood up from the chair and left my room, followed by Taehyung. "You remember where you room is, right?" I asked Yoongi. He nodded his head. "Good night!" Tae waved his hand wildly to Yoongi as he walked down the bridge.

Once I couldn't see him in the dark night, I turned to Tae. "Still want me to walk you back?" he shook his head. "Really? What's with this, bro?" I jokingly said, hitting his arm lightly. 

"I just think, that I don't need a guide, is all. As much as I love your assistance, I need to learn to face my fears!" He exclaimed, slowly walking backwards. I giggled at his playful manner. "Well then, good night, princess." I walked back into my room, closing the door. 

"I am not a princess, Y/N!" I heard Tae yell at me from the other side. laughed at his sudden tough guy persona. "I know." I said to myself as I got into bed.

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