Ch. XV

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I sat in front of the fire all night long, writing down as many ideas as I could. Anything that came to mind went straight to the paper. The wooden pencil was surprisingly durable, handling my anxious scribbling and overly aggressive writing at times. 

All the others went to bed shortly after I started. Hoseok and Taehyung wanted to stay up with me and help, but they both ended up falling asleep right away. I was afraid of sleep, so this was a good distraction from it. The page was filled with unreadable lines of text. I was loosing all hope, especially when I came up with 'Acid Velds Feet'. I sighed in frustration, leaning my head back and running my fingers through my hair. 

I was extremely tired, but I still fought to stay awake. Leaning forward to grab the notebook from of the ground, I noticed Taehyung bent over the same log I was sitting on, fast asleep, and Hoseok huddled up in a ball on the ground. I looked to the sun slowly rising, making the sky a golden yellow. 

I looked back down to the notebook in my hands... well, hand. I kept writing and kept thinking, pushing forward even though I should've stopped hours ago. I was so entranced that I never heard the soft crunching of grass behind me. I felt slight weight on my shoulder. In a tired shock, I spun around quickly and kicked my leg out. Kookie grabbed his shin and was hopping on his other foot. 

"Can you stop doing that!?" He winched in pain. I sighed. "I'm sorry, Kiddo. Stop scaring me and I'll stop accidentally hurting you." He glared daggers at me, but his eyes suddenly became much softer. He planted his other foot firmly on the ground and sat down next to me. 

"Noona, did you stay up all night?" He looked at me worriedly... like he actually cared about my well-being.

"Yeah," I say tiredly. "I'm fine though." 

"You need to sleep."

"Kookie, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I can see your eye bags. How are you not tired?"

"No, I'm am, just-- just forget it, Kook." He didn't respond for a bit, like he was thinking of something to say. He looked back to me, and his eyes lost that signature shine that they usually have. Did I really affect him that much? "You're fading... whether you're asleep or not..."

I tilted my head at him. "No shit, Sherlock." He took a hold of my hand and rolled up my sleeve. My once only see-through-hand was now a total see-through-arm. My eyes widened at the sight. "You don't have much time, Y/N. We need to get out of here soon or you''ll..."


Kookie gulped down a lump that had visibly formed in his throat. "Y-yeah." He pulled me into a hug, squishing me against his chest. He's strong, and I couldn't breathe for a couple seconds. "I-I don't want to leave you, noona..."

I didn't know what to do, but I didn't want to be rude. I lazily slung one arm over one of his shoulder, tiredly retiring the hug. There was slight shuffling from behind us.

"What's going on?" A raspy-voiced Taehyung asked. He must've just woken up. "Oooh, are we doing hugs? I love hugs!" 

Taehyung jumped onto Jungkook, sending the three of us crashing to the ground. I groaned in pain, as two men just fell on top of me. They both quickly got off and made sure that I wasn't dead. Taehyung reached for my hand and screamed.

"Y/N! Your arm is gone!" Jungkook ended up pulling me off the ground instead. "I'm aware, Tae, thank you." I heard loud footsteps come from the structure. I turned around and saw a pretty pissed off Yoongi. "What the fuck, Tae!? I could hear you all the way from my room!" He pointed angrily down the bridge, to where his little tree cabin was. 

"Hyung, could you shut it, I'm trying to sleep." Hoseok mumbled from his spot on the ground, curling into a tighter, more protective ball. "I woke you? Did you not hear Taehyung, who was right next to you!?"

Hoseok sat up. "Hyung! If I'm being honest, I didn't hear Taehyung, and you're yelling much louder than he was." He and Yoongi seemed to be in an intense staring contest, and I was actually pretty eager to see who was gonna win.

Jimin stepped out of his house, which was right next to the ladder Yoongi was currently perched upon. He rubbed his eyes. "Is it like this every morning?" He asked with a yawn. We all shook our heads in a unanimous 'no'. 

"Okay, well if most of us are up, then how the hell are Namjoon and Jin still asleep." Yoongi snapped, not breaking eye contact with Hoseok.

"I've actually been up for a while now, I just didn't want to get involved in any of this." Namjoon walked out from a bank of trees, as if on cue, causing both Hoseok and Yoongi to look away. "What were you doing down there?" Jungkook asked, still holding my hand. I didn't bother to pull away, it was actually quite comforting. 

"I went to get some water." He pointed behind him with his thumb, sure enough pointing to the river. "I don't remember anyone coming down the ladder..." I whispered to myself. Then again I didn't hear Jungkook coming down either.

Yoongi seemed annoyed. "Then wheres that Jin guy then? Why isn't he up?"

"I'm right here." I turned my head slightly, looking past Jungkook and saw Jin, preparing food by the shed. "When the fuck did you get down there?" Yoongi yelled at him. What was his deal this morning?

"Profanity, Yoongi." Jin lectured, making all of us giggle, even me. "I came down the other ladder, near my room, and I decided I'd make everyone breakfast."

"That's nice of you, Jin, but Y/N normally cooks." Namjoon said as he joined the rest of the group near the fire pit. A sleepy Jimin walked behind Yoongi and down the ladder. Yoongi stayed on the bridge, probably because he hates us and doesn't want to be around us.

Jungkook finally let go of my hand, but side hugged me instead. "I don't think Y/N is really up for cooking, hyung." He motioned to my tired eyes and faded arm. Namjoons lips formed a small 'O' in realization. "Uhh, go ahead Jin, cook away, I guess."

I sat back down on the log once Jungkook let go of me for good. Hoseok crawled over to the log I was sitting on and sat himself next to me. He picked up the notebook from the ground and started flipping through the pages.

"What'd ya find last night?" He asked, clearly interested. I lowered my head, almost shamefully. "Nothing. Just random things that don't make any sense." I leaned my head over to see what he was reading. 

"Yeah, these really don't make any offense, Y/N."

"None taken. My brain hasn't been working well lately." I laughed at myself. Hoseok closed the book and put it down on the grass in front of us. I kept staring at the book on the ground, almost lost in a trance. Hoseok cupped my cheek and forced my head to turn and face him. He let go of my face and he'd both my hands in his. 

"We're going to get you out of here, we're all going to get out of here." He said to me, a small smile playing at his lips. "I sure hope so." 

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