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I turned my head slightly to left to see a warm smile on Hoseok's face. I tiredly smile back at him. He leaned forwards and picked up the book from the ground. He opened it up to the bookmarked page, seeing all the things I had written.

Scanning over the words, he hummed in thought. "Do you mind if I try coming up with some things?" He asked me while showing me a blank page in the book. I nodded my head, "That'd be very helpful, thank you." He picks up the pencil from the ground and begins trying to decipher the code the 'video game gods' have given us.

I sat and watched as Hoseok wrote down ideas and thoughts of what this message could be. He didn't seem to be paying very much attention as he would rewrite some that I had come up with as well as ones he had written only minutes prior.

• • • 

Time almost stood still as I watched the trees above me. Leaves would occasionally fall from the sky and land on the soft, plush grass. Jin was sweet enough and made us all breakfast. I tried eating, but I couldn't. I felt sick to my stomach and just couldn't muster up the strength to eat it all. 

He understood and didn't take any offense from it. I'm glad of that.

I sighed and shifted my position on the grass. I was near the river, listening to the small waves as they clashed against the rocks. A song bird could be heard in the distance. I've never taken the time to actually notice the beauty that surrounds me. I've never noticed how many shades of green there were, or how peaceful the river sounded.

Being alone was nice at time.

I left the boys because I didn't want to be a burden to them. I haven't been feeling myself lately, like I'm a totally different person now. Tired and always out of it.

I moved my hand from underneath my head to take a glance at my arm. I rolled up my sleeve and viewed through my translucent skin. It's spreading like a disease. From this morning, it's traveled up to my shoulder and my knees feel weaker than ever before.

I put my hand back under my head to prop itself up slightly. All my memories are slowly blurring into one, and I hate to say it, but even recent ones. Ones I have made here with these guys I call my family.  I can barely tell faces apart. Nor can I recall the voices that are replaying in my head. Over and over and over again.

It's like a song, a sweet melody, but there is no one singing. It's just a voice. Every thing seems lo fi. Slower, calmer. Is this what its like to die? I flutter my eyes towards the sky as clouds pass above the treetops.

I heave a long, breathy sigh. 

The sound of soft footsteps on the grass merges itself into this lo fi world I am trapped inside. I don't bother turning my head, or getting up to see what it is. What's the point?

I hear the footsteps stop right next to me and I see a blur that is a persons face in the corner of my vision. They lay down on the grass next to me, looking up at the same view as I. But I'd bet that their view, was totally different. High def. and not slow. 

"You've been out here for a while, whats up?"

I know his voice, but I cannot match it to him. I turn my head slightly to the right, seeing the profile of Jimin laying down next to me, looking up to the trees. I put my head back in its original position.

"Terrible. I... I'm fading, Jimin. It's spreading and theres nothing I can do... But I wouldn't mind dying in a beautiful place such as this one."

Upon hearing my words, he sprang up to look at me. "Don't say that, Y/N! You are not going to die! T-there has do be something we can do to slow it until we find the code!" I shook my head slightly.

"There's nothing. I'm infected with an illness and there is no antidote. I have come to except that," I turned my head to look him straight in the eyes. "Please do the same."

"I-I can't! I refuse to believe that you are going to die... You're going to escape, we all are. You're going to get better, I promise you."

He eyes were glossy by tears slowly forming in his eyes. I sat up and came face to face with him as a single tear rolled down his soft cheek. "Don't have false hope, it makes the mind sick."

"It's not false hope, it's the truth! I-I and the other are going to make sure you live!..please don't do this to me, Y/N.." I looked down to the grassy forest floor, almost in a trance.

He side-hugged me, sobbing into my shirt. I looked up from the ground and to the crying boy. I pulled my arm around him and hugged him back, causing him to cry harder.

We stayed there for awhile. Us hugging, him crying, and me starring off into the distance of my lo fi world. When he did pull away, he apologized profusely. I just smiled. Something about these boys just make me feel better, safer, happier....alive.

"Jimin, I'm sorry. Something is killing from the inside out and it's really getting to me. I know that we can escape... with all of us together." I stood up from my spot on the ground and helped Jimin to his feet. We walked back to camp together.

"Hey, so dreamer girl isn't dead after all. Huh." Yoongi say sarcastically with a gummy smile. Namjoon whacks him in the back of the head while whispering, "cut it out" quite loudly. 

I laugh. "No, I'm alive.. for now."

Hoseok looks up from the book and motions for me to come over to him. "Okay, here are some leads I've got, 'Dede Flits Cave', 'Left AD Devices', and 'Eva Sided Cleft'. I don't know why, but I think that these have something to do with the escape."


"I don't know. Maybe because they're all actual full words?" He shrugged. 

"Are you guys close?" Jin asked as he approached over to where Hoseok and I sat. Jin leaned over my shoulder and glanced down at the book Hoseok held in his hands. Jin read over the anagrams with wonder and thought.

"Um, Angle here thinks he is."

"Hey!" Hoseok whined whilst pouting. Jin hummed, causing both Hobi and I to look up at him. "What about, 'Left Sided Cave'?"

"What?" Hobi asked. Jin reached over my shoulder and pointed to the letters of the first three anagrams Hobi had showed me.

"'Left', 'Sided', 'Cave'. Right there." Hobi gave me a look. How come I never thought of that. Those words never crossed my mind once within all that time I spent working on this damn thing. I mentally face palmed myself.

"Are there any caves, Y/N?" Hoseok asked with the straightest, most serious face I've ever seen him pull off. 

"Not any that I know of no-" My thoughts were cut short by a string gust of wind and loud screeching sound sound coming from the west. As the wind and screeching stoped, all eight of us looked to each other, shocked.

"What the fuck was that?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know.." I say and look to the west. There was a silence until Jin spoke out. "Do you think that was-"

"I'm not sure... god I hope so."

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