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I woke up at the crack of dawn, again, getting my stuff prepared for my expedition. I sluggishly slung my bag over one of my shoulders and slid down the ladder. Once at the bottom, I grabbed my compass. I looked down at it then into the darkened canopy of the forest. I started walking against the river, heading north.

I was peacefully walking along the river, enjoying my surroundings, when something caught my eye. I had to stop and stare at it for a moment. It was blue, a very vibrant bright blue, hanging on a branch, high up on a tree. I walked over to the tree, looking up towards it. I still couldn't really figure out what it was.

I took my bag off and grabbed the rope from out the bag. It was frayed and falling apart, but it'll do. The tree wasn't too tick, it was just tall. I wrapped the rope around the tree, holding both ends. I slowly, and carefully, climbed up the tree. Once I got to the blue object I noticed that it was actually a bag. It looked exactly like mine.

I grabbed it, and put it on my shoulder. I then started my slow descent down to the ground. Once I hit the bottom I was excited, honestly. I hadn't found anything in forever. I quickly packed the rope back into my own bag before inspecting the new, bright blue bag.

It had different contents then mine once did. Very different. Inside was a slingshot and a small drawstring bag, to which I assumed held marbles. There was also a small leather-back book, wooden pencils in a small case, and...a camera. The only thing that was like my bag was the four granola bars and empty water bottle.

I took the camera out and looked through it. It was an old fashioned Polaroid. It was filled with film, but not photos were in the bag. I put everything back into the bag and zipped it up.

I picked up the bag along with my own and walked back to camp. I saw the boys all either tending to the fields or to the livestock. "Hey! Look what I found!" Tae instantly turned around. "Please don't tell me it's dangerous." He whined.

I came closer to the four of them. I showed them the bag. "Hey, it's just like yours!" Tae pointed out.

"Not quite, it doesn't have what mine had, it's got art supplies...Are any of you artists?" They all shook their heads. I hummed in thought.

"Ohh, Y/N, I got Namjoon and Hoseok to read the slip." Tae said in excitement.


"'Rearrange The Letters Of The.' That's what we've got so far." I breathed out air in slight frustration. "That's enough, we still need more. It helps I guess, it's just not enough..."

"How long do you think it'll be? Until someone else comes." Namjoon asked, hoping over the pen's fence. I shrug. "Hard to tell. Tae came after about a month or so and Yoongi came about two weeks after many times do I have to tell you that time is hard to track?"

"Apparently, a lot," Yoongi said, leaning his arms on the fence. "But you're strong. We'll get through this."

"I think you mean 'we're strong', hyung." Taehyung said. "No. I have a feeling that Y/N is the strongest, and that well need her more than she needs us."

I scoffed lightly, despite the compliment. "I need you, I don't know what you mean—"

"Bitch you stayed here alone for a month. You don't need us." I was a little taken aback by his words, I can't lie. I hummed, not complétala knowing how to answer.

"Thanks...But, I still can't wrap my head around this damn bag." I held it up into the air, changing the topic.

"Maybe it's for someone like you. Someone who will go on the expeditions," Tae said. I looked to the boys. "Not us! We've, well, Yoongi and I have seen the dangers, these two haven't. But, none of us want to go." I looked back to Taehyung, an unimpressed look plastered on my face

"Helpful." I say blandly.

As the day went on, nothing significant happened. We were sitting by the fire, night had fallen and the moon was up. We shared stories about our lives before the game but I was zoning out, honestly. Thinking about all the memories I had with my family. I smiled softly at the happy memories that played in my head until the aggressive yell of Yoongi snapped me back into 'reality'.

"Y/N! Ya deaf women, are you even listening to the conversation?"

"Oh what, sorry no. What were you saying?" He sighed. "We wanted to know if you've seen anything to help us get out of here while on your 'lil walks every morning."

"No, not anything important. Just that dumb bag. Its the only thing I've found in a long while."

"What have you found in the past?" Namjoon asked. I paused to think, but it didn't take long to recall most of the things.

"The first thing I ever found was this place," I motioned my hands towards the structure. "Then I found my bag, then a bunch of random stuff just scattered around, this was all before Taehyung came, by the way. Just before he did, I found the paper. Nothing else else has popped up since, except the bag."

Namjoon hummed in thought. "What if it's a clue. A clue for a new character."

"Character?" Hoseok asked, his hands hovering in front of the fire to warm them up. "Us. We're characters in this game. What is a another player comes. It's could be for them."

"Huh...I guess that does make sense," I said, thinking about what Namjoon said. I stood up, brushing the dirt off my thighs. "Well, you guys can clean up, I think I'm going to bed. Night." They all replied 'Good night' back. I climbed up the ladder and stepped into my room. I went straight to the shelf, looking at all the items that I have collected over the past, at least months.

I sighed as I turned around and sat on my bed. I leaned back, resting my head on the stiff pillow. I lied there, fully awake. I was listening to the crackle of the fire below, as well as the muffled conversation of the guys. I played with my fingers for a bit, just until I heard the splash of water followed by the singe of a burnt out fire.

The boys were very loud, but I didn't mind, it reminded me of Daehyun. How he would alway yell at night while I was trying to sleep. Some nights he'd sneak out his window, and I would wait in his room for him to return, I can't forget his face whenever he saw me. I miss him more than anything. My eyes closed as I thought of good times with my brother. I stayed there, laying on my bed, even though I heard my door open.

"Hey, Y/N? I know you can't hear me, but, thank you. Thank you for taking me in under your wing. You're really like a mother figure or sister to me. I wish I knew you before, I want to know you after...If there is an after. I wouldn't mind dying in this game, if it was by your side...Thank you, Y/N."

I could tell by the low and deep voice that it was Taehyung. I had no idea he felt that way. The door opened again and gently close. I heard faint footsteps walking away. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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