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At least a month has past, I've lost count of the days, but I've gotten used to about everything, I practically know this place like the back of my hand. I'm used to this life now. The short days and the shorter nights, the animals lurking in the woods, I've even made a pen for some animals I managed to herd into there. I've had to be my own doctor. Wrapping up cuts and gashes, my med kit is almost empty, and I might want to go to medical school after high school, for fucks sake.

While going through the woods, I've found more items and have placed them on my shelves. My shelves are completely full now. I've also found some things that don't make sense to me. A little while ago, I was walking through the woods, as I always do every morning. But this time, something felt different. I went out and when I came back there was a note tapped onto my door, that for sure wasn't there when I left.

It made no sense, whatsoever. It was completely blank, not a scratch or scribble. Nothing. I don't understand any of it, but I have a hunch that this paper has to mean something, it can't be a fluke, why else would a random, small sheet of parchment be doing in a place like this if it didn't have any meaning to it.

Now, here I sit at my table, the paper in front of me. This has become routine. Every morning I just stare at it, trying to figure something out. I rubbed my temples in frustration, that's when I heard it. A loud scream, but not a scream from any of the creatures I've faced, so far.

I grabbed my backpack and held my pocket knife as I slid down the ladder, over time I've worried less and less about falling off. I went into the woods, searching for the cause of the scream. I moved fast but carefully through the dense tress trying to find it. Then I heard a faint voice, "Where the hell am I?"

Was it human? I got closer but I heard it run away. It was acting just how I did. I was behind it, and from what I could tell, 'it' was a boy. He was franticly looking around as he ran away, stumbling over himself. I could hear his heavy breathing. I stepped out of hiding, somewhere he could easily see me.

"Calm down, princess." He stopped once he heard my voice. He slowly turned around, his eyes showed pure fear and confusion. He looked at me up and down, then asked, "Who are you?" He was very timid as his voice was shaking but low. "I'm Y/N. Welcome to the game."

I tried to step closer to him, but he took a step back. "What is this place?" I sigh. "You're in Alvivs Defected. Out of curiosity, how did you get a copy?" He stoped backing away and let me approach him. I was directly in front of him now, a few feet away. "It was given to me. It looked fun so I played it."

I sighed and shook my head towards the ground, then looked back up to him. "You too, huh? Come with me."

I started to walk away from him, honestly not caring if he followed or not, I'd be fine without him. Hell, he could go his own way and die if he pleases. I head the crunching of grass behind me. Next thing I knew, he was walking right next to me.

"M-my name's Taehyung, by the way." I didn't look at him. "Where are we going?" I still didn't look at him but answered anyways. "You'll see." He stayed quite after that. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough. I know this place like the back of my hand."

"That long?" I turned my head to face him this time, keeping my pace. "Time's a tricky thing here. And everything about me since has changed."

"How so?" I shrugged his question off. "I can't explain it, Princess. It just happened, I guess."

"I am not a girl, princess." I rolled my eyes, he reminded me a lot of Daehyun. "You don't have to be a girl to be princess," He gave a side glance. "Leave the name calling to me." 

A few minutes had passed, Taehyung was still very quite. I saw the structure peeking through the trees in the distance. "Welcome home, Taehyung." I said as we got closer to 'home'. I walked up to it, going towards the ladder.

"Did you-- Did you build this?" I began to climb up the ladder, he followed. "No, of course not. It was just here when I started, I maybe touched some things up. Not really, but I tried."

I heard a faint "woah" from behind be. I turned around to see Taehyung slowly spinning in circles, looking around. 

"This is my room, clearly," I motioned to the door with my name still carved on it. "You can choose any one, I guess."

He wandered off like a kid in a candy store, looking at the outside of all the rooms. He walked over the bridges and climbed ladders to the highest room. I followed him on his little adventure. "Can I have this one?" He asked, pointing to the room.

"Yeah, sure."

He ran to it and opened the door. It looked exactly like mine except the window was next to the table and not the bed. I realized, that throughout my time here, I never checked any of the other rooms. Taehyung leaned out the window, taking in the view like I once did, but then turned back to me. "Is there anyone else here?" He questioned and put his head back out the window.

"No, not that I know of." I walked over to him and reseted my arms on the windowsill. "So, you've been here all alone?"

I was hesitant to reply. "Yeah."

"Do you ever get lonely?"

"Everyday. More than the last. I just wished I said goodbye to my brother instead of just rolling my eyes at him." A tear welled up in my eyes but I blinked it away. Taehyung brought his head back in. "I..I wish I did too, now that I think about it..." I shyly smiled at him, being empathetic.

"Come on, I'll show you around camp." I got back from the window and Taehyung followed me out the door. I showed him where I kept the livestock, and where I grew food. I showed him the safest part of the river to collect clean water and a different part to bathe in.

After the tour, the sun started going down. Taehyung went around camp by himself as I set up a fire. He came, most likely, when he smelled the food I was preparing. I sat down on a log and began to cook the food over the flames. Taehyung sat next to me. "It's amazing that you've done all this, Y/N."

I kept my focus on the food. "Thanks, I try hard not to get killed."

"Speaking of which, since this is a video game, do we have lives?" 

"I'm not sure, and I don't want to find out if we don't."

"You think we have strengths and weakness like in actual video games?" I stoped cooking to think about that. I looked over at Taehyung, then back at the food. "I...I don't think so. I mean, I'm really good at patching wounds, as you can see," I motioned to my body, most of limbs had bandages and wraps on them. When going out in the forest, you get cut a lot. "But I don't think it means anything."

He hummed in response. "You think others will come?" I sigh. "I do and I don't."

"Why?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to me.

"I don't want anybody else getting trapped in here, but, I don't want to be lonely. That's why I'm happy you came along." I turn my head and smiled at him. He hugged me and I stiffened, as it was totally unexpected. "Well I'm happy you're here, If you weren't and I was the first one here, I would've accidentally killed myself. Thank you." He pulled away from the hug and smiled at me, his huge hands resting on my shoulders. I smiled back, lightly pushing his hands off so I could continue. His smile went away as he gazed at the fire.

"Y/N! The poor food!" I looked at where he was looking, the food was smoking. "Shit!" I pulled it off the fire. One side wad perfectly fine, the other was black. I took a plate made out of wood and placed the, now partly singed food, onto it.

"Umm, dinners served..?" I awkwardly said as I motioned it towards him. He began to laugh like a maniac. I chuckled at the sight and started to eat, Taehyung did too once he calmed down a bit.

God, I miss pure laughter.

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