my favorite girls

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I wanna hate you cause I still love you
And it’s weighing on my chest
We keep our bodies tied together
To ignore what’s coming next
I was driving you home in the middle of the night
but I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye

Being in the stage singing the rhythm of my heart, having my fans singing along to every lyrics I uttered. Adrenaline shot through my veins everytime when the bass boomed through the speakers, is what makes me feel alive. Being able to have this unexplainable connection to them, is what makes me continue the journey that I have started ever since I joined in this industry. Never thought, I would be this successful in my life.

One of the things I for sure wouldn't forget of how I conquered the fear of being seen on the stage, having the spotlight wherein the only thing you need to do is to be yourself. I am anxious about how people will gonna react when I sing my heart out.

My anxiety vanished away when I met her. My muse to every song I have wrote, the light in every tunnel I have stumbled upon making my dark deepest fear became scared of her. I am always be forever grateful to every morning I woke up having her beside me, wrapped around her arms around me with a sunlight shone on our faces. Even she might almost burned down the house when I saw her cooking by herself, because she wanted to be a good girlfriend for once and wanting to suprise me. I did, I am suprised by two reasons. For the effort she did to wake up earlier than intended, and the house that is almost burned. I am utterly so in love with her. With everything she do, with all that she have to give and mostly with just being herself. I am forever grateful by being her beside me, holding my hand and never letting go.

Sweat had made me feel sticky after all the jumping and the heat of the people enjoying the concert as I am. As the last lyrics cames on, I breathe heavily and roamed my eyes around the people I have accustomed to call  my family than just having to call them a fan. I let their screaming be subsided before I utter my ending speech.

"Hey, guys." I spoked softly in the mic infront of me, and it seems it only hyped them up. I motioned for them to settle down, surprisingly they did without complaining. "I am sorry to say that this is the last part of the show." I giggled at their reaction, they'd faked cry, booed at me and mostly screamed at me.

"I wouldn't be here standing in front of you, if it weren't for you guys. I am thankful that every journey we've been through together, don't ever forget to hold each other's hand and don't let go of each other," I addressed them, looking around to captured each of every faces through the crowd and holding my hand out to them. Some smiled, cried and mostly it is just scream that I couldn't quite comprehend of how they are screaming at the same time. So, I took out my earpiece to hear them better.

I licked my lips and take a deep breathe. "I hope you guys could hold unto each other, cause this bond we have," I hold my arms around them, while looking around to them again as far as I can with my eyes, to emphasize between the us, me and the fam. "Is something that they couldn't take away. I am always will be forever thankful and grateful for everything you have done for me and my team. Thank you guys, I love you all." I finished my speech with a bow, sending flying kisses to everyone before making my way out of the stage while waving to them. They screamed out again, making me feel hyped up to all the energy that they've been giving me.

As I move my feet down the last steps of the stairs, I am immediately engulfed with a hug and kisses from my Mom. I giggled at the woman, who is there all along the journey ever since it started even though she's against it not wanting to leave home so she decided to bring a little bit of home to not forget where I came from.

"Hey Mom." I returned her tight hug, and sways us side to side. I kissed the top of her head before she pulled away from me. 

"I am so proud of you, mijo. I can't even-I just can't believe that you have all growned up." She wipe a imaginary tear under her eyes, rolling my eyes at her. "Mom, you always tell that but okay whatever floats your boat."
I felt someone clutched the back of my button up , to discard my earpiece that is still attached to me. I turned my head and smiled. "Hey, Maria. I hope you don't mind this crazy woman infront of me."

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