change your ticket

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Love can be define and describe by so many words from different perspective of a person. But for me, love is someone who I could trust my secrets, love is someone who could hold me at time in need, love is someone who could make my day a million times better but at the same time could stabbed me in my heart a couple of times.

I woke up from a blaring sun that sneaks in from the curtains and the annoying honks of the cars below the building of my apartment. Plus the sound in my own room. I lifted half of my body from the comfortable bed
and stretches up. I looked beside me and found out the other side of the bed is empty.

"Oh, you're awake." The sweet voice that comes from my girlfriend startled me.

"Oh, Shoot!. Don't do that okay?," I breath heavily and didn't even know that I have clutched my baseball bat. I froze. What. How? Where did it came from?

"Honey, are you gonna hit me with that?" she chuckled at me. I lowered my bat and looked at her curiously.

"Uh, no. Where are you going?." I asked her curiously while watching her get dressed. She purses her lips and puts her lipstick down. "You know it's hard to keep a secret. Specially from you." I panicked. I immediately stand up and turned her over while wrapping my arms around her waist securely.

"Wha what do you mean, love?." I lean my forehead against her. And get lost into her brown eyes. Whatever secret she's keeping I hope it's not that bad. I hope it not about she cheat or about falling ou-

"Hey, hey. I'm sorry-," she cupped my cheeks and looked into my blue ones. "I'm so sorry. I'm stupid. I become selfish and keep it all by myself. I'm leaving London and going home to my Dad. He arranged a marriage for me a few weeks ago and I can't help-I just can't declined it---" I muted out the words she had said after the arranged marriaged. I can't even hear a single thing but my heart breaking. I'm okay if she had fallen out of love of me, because I'd go throught it all and start at the beginning for her. But no, it's a freaking marriage that her father decided on. He knows our secret.

He did this. Its all his fault. He can't even let her daughter be happy and mostly with me. Ever since the rival of my father and hers with some argument and forbidden rule he made we can't see each other. I can't believe that this is all happening. I can't believe that I'm losing her.  

I stumbled and blindly reached the bed backwards. I can't believed that this is happening. I could have fight for us but she insisted on keeping this all a secret. Unfreakingbelievable. I sighed and gripped my hair too hard. I'm trying to calm my freaking nerves down. Y/N breathe in and out. Calmed down. But truth is I can't no matter how I tried, no matter what I do she's not mine to keep. She's gonna get married for freak sakes. But not gonna get married to me. She's not mine. I cried out at the thought I couldn't marry her now. For all the things that we've been through she didn't even fought for us, for me. I felt like someone had shoot a bullet through my heart.

She slungs the bag on her shoulder and settles my head on her stomach.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't fought for you and to us. He threatened me that I will never ever see you ever again. And I don't want that. I want to see you alive even though you're not mine. I wanted to saved us from falling but truth is I failed you. I didn't keep my promise. I'm sorry. I hope you found someone other than me." She sniffs and kisses the top of my head. But I can't. I don't want to. Falling in love with the most beautiful and kind hearted girl is the best feeling I have ever felt. She's the only girl I saw myself with, imagining a life without her and falling in love with somebody makes me want to bury myself under the rock.

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