it's you.

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I was cleaning the stain of coffee on the floor when a loud hollers and screams with flashing of lights caught my attention. I looked up squinting my eyes as I widened them. It was the Royal Highness entering the small cafe with many bodyguards looming around to protect him from the forming crowd outside the store while he just waved carelessly about his bodyguard who is already on the pits of his anger, holding the people out as much as I raised my eyebrows leaning on the mop while I gripped on it, still looking at the man who'd sat and ordered coffee when he could order in a famous cafe across from us. Many people like him don't even usually notice small establishments like where I am working. They rather go to luxurious dining restaurant with high expenses, ordering meals without looking of how much it cost. Sometimes I notice they are rude and selfish, but I guess the world does change.

My thoughts had been cut off when someone slap the back of my head. I hissed and looked behind while I quickly regained my composure. I smiled fakely cleaning the mess on the floor again. "Why, why must you go and zoned out? Did I tell you to clean up your mess?."

I nodded mindlessly dumping the mop on the bucket of water and squeezes it to reduce the water and I continue at mopping. She sighed shaking her head, "Just don't do this again, Camila. You've been doing this a couple of times and if you've done it again. I'll fired you okay?." The manager named Elizabeth hissed loudly at me not even caring that there were a lot of costumer staring at the both us. I looked down as I feel my cheeks blush in embarrassment. I feel so small when someone does that, scolding me infront of everybody when you could be considerate and address them privately.

"What must be the problem, miss?"

Elizabeth and I both looked up gasping under our breaths when we saw who it was.

It was the Royal Highness.

I bowed my head in respect as I heard him chuckle. "No need to the that. She should bow at you."

I looked up confused when I saw him pointing at my manager. Elizabeth shaked her head while waving her hands mindlessly. "Oh no, I am the owner of this cafe. I shouldn't bow down at my employees, they should be grateful because I pay them the fair price you've been legalizing."

Mr. Peters chuckles at her crossing his arms as I stand awkwardly between them. "And what are you implying with?, Mrs... "

"Nothing sir, I just thought that it isn't fair for the owners that employees had much payrolls than us cause you know we-"

"Mrs...?" Mr. Peters cut her off politely with her casual talks.

"Oh sorry I forgot. I'm Mrs. Chicago but you can call me Elizabeth or Eliza for short." She raised her hand smiling genuinely as if she never doubted Mr. Peters's law.

Mr. Peters shaked her hand politely smiling back at her. He pulled his hand away and looked at me softly. "So what are you implying with, Mrs. Chicago?"

"As I was saying, Sir. I am the owner of this cafe and I should ha-"

"Should have given what? Mrs. Chicago?. You think that I didn't do my research about legalizing more payrolls to the employees?." He pointed out while calmly speaking at this situation. "I didn't just sign the papers of legalization. I investigate first and do my research. And I think most of them proved their statement."

She stood there with a shocked face while squinting her eyes at him. She chuckled while shaking her head dissapointedly. "So, your saying is all establishments do that and your accusing me?"

He ignored her looking at me, raising his eyebrows expectantly. "How much does she pay you, miss..? " he whispered at me.

I gulped the lump in my throat while shaking my head. "How much?" he asked again while putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now