i want comfortable

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Since I'm sick why not have an update. Lol

Not proofread.

A loud bang woked Y/N up with a bell rang ringing afterwards, making her jolted in her seat and almostly fall on her ass if she didn't quickly clutched the edge of her desk. She rubbed her eyes out of sleep and about to lay her head on her desk but she heard noises, when she looked up, she immediately regained her composture and sit up straight while messing with the computer. She nudged her glasses back on her nose and squints her eyes.

"Hello there." A deep manly voice filled the surroundings in between of the tapping fingers of Y/N messily in the keyboard.

She cleared her throat, looking up and plastering a polite smile she could muster since she just woken up abruptly. Y/N hadn't have a normal sleep since she waited for the arrival of the package last night, since it's important as her boss said, resulting for her to try and find a motivation to be a good person right now even though she couldn't barely function without a proper sleep.

"Hey, what can i do for you?" tight response she said as fighting the urge to yawn as her eyes slighty teared up at the corner of her eyes.

"I am just wondering, is there any package delivered here last night?" the blonde man said, directly looking at her eyes, making her feel uncomfortable. It didn't help the suit he's wearing. A black tux and a black glasses on his eyes. And one of the things she hates sometimes is someone making eye contact at a person she don't usually meet. She knows it's rude not to but if you kinda get that eerie stare and the vibe of the man seems quite strange to her. A whole big different, different. Plus the man staring at her with those eyes screaming something that didn't go unnoticed to her which an advantage of her to become more aware and cautious.

Y/N knitted her brows together and shooked her head while half-lying underneath her breath. "I believe there haven't been sir, we are not open 24/7."

The nicely suited man oddly hummed and nodded his head while scratching his chin seemingly believing Y/N's response as he think of another plan. "Well if there might be a delivered package late arrival or anything, can you please let me know?."

Y/N's lips purse in a thin line, nodding timidly as the blonde man turned on his heels after putting down his business card on her desk. When the bell rang thoughout the shop indicating someone had left, she let out a deep breath she didn't know she held for awhile. Her face scrunches up as she thought, how important that package is that even her boss seems to take care and manage well. For how many years she had been working for him, as Roger is a responsible and well-mannered man when it comes to business. You wouldn't even smell the irony of his kindness when all his heart could do is to give. The old man do surely know how to handle a conversation as Y/N couldn't last longer. But she didn't blame Roger for her awkwardness towards other people. Still there is an underlying tension in the air she couldn't pinpoint at and couldn't get out of her nerves since the suited man came in and made her world confusing as it is more than ever.

Her train of thoughts were interrupted by the bell rang throughout the silence again as Y/N shooked all those thoughts away. A brunette with brown eyes made its way on her desk as she sighed happily and shamelessly stared at the beautiful woman who stand beside her desk.

Camila bent down a little as she shuffles all the papers around Y/N's desk as the latter continued to stare at her like she's the most interesting art in the museum, but she didn't mind one bit. She fight the urge to smile and hide her blush yet to no avail in this fine morning hour the sunlight is creeping towards the front glassed door as she signed the logbook to indicate she had just arrived after the package she recently delivered.

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