a little twist in destiny

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A/N: A little warning ahead. smut 🚩
If you are not comfortable, please skip that part.

I nervously picked on my jeans as my uncle drive me to my destination as my windows rolled down to its sealed. My mother wouldn't allow me to drive on my own, and I understand her even though it seems to be absurd. She told me that my own father died at a car accident when I was a kid without any trace or clue of how it happen at the first place. So, when I turn sixteen and I got jealous of many teenagers of them having their own car, plus they have their own freedom to drove around the town carelessly enjoying the wind brushing pass their skin while their windows are rolled down with the radio turn on out loud not even caring of how it disturbed the others. I really love how aesthetic life is. Just the simpliest things of its own unique self I found it interesting. That is I assumed I get from my Dad even though I didn't see him or have familiar feeling of him because of how old my mind is when he was gone. He lend me a canon camera with a note sticking to it before he left, and then the other day of his day of burial my mom hand it to me and teach me how to take a shot like my Dad do the techniques of how it will be. And maybe just maybe by that there is a significant spark in my heart that I never knew it will change my whole life when it comes.

And that's when my nerves tells me that this day will definitely change me.

A annoying loud honk rang through the streets as I jumped at my seat and clutch my bag tightly against my lap of how unexpected it is. I groaned when a pain shot through my head then I turned my head to the side to see my uncle laughing his ass off while wiping his eyes.

"I-if you could just s-see your f-face." He managed to say in between his laugh, clutching his stomach.

I rolled my eyes while shaking my head, deciding to ignore him as I open the door of the passenger seat. When I am already got out of the car, I slam the door shut loudly, rubbing my head and adjusting my bag at my shoulder with my free hand.

"Hey, be safe okay?. And text me when you're ready to go home, aight?." He yelled at me, while I immediately walked down the building I am going to have a photoshoot at. I got requested of a clothing company called the New Navy. They emailed me last week and invited me to be their photographer and I said yes to them. As they stated they liked how I take shots and the way I make beautiful of things even if it had no light to be.

I do believe everything heaven above made are beautiful. Even if some don't then I will. It just really takes even one person to believe in something than many who don't. I'd rather take that 1% of the population of positivity because one could really fit the whole.

My thoughts had vanish away when my phone vibrated at the back pocket of my jeans. And when I pulled it out a smile broke out at my lips as I swipe my thumb to answer the call.

"Hey, good morning. Are you gonna order the usual today or you prefer for something new?." My smile widen as I thought it reached my ears when I heard her addictive giggle filled my ears, lifting my mood to its high.

"You're such a dork, babe. And I'd prefer the usual today, can I immediately have you already in 5 minutes in my arms?." My heart thumps loud in my chest as butterflies exploded at my tummy at the thought of her indirectly telling me that she missed me.

"Missing me already, darling?. I'd just left half an hour ago and how if it was for you an instance not even a day?" I laughed, turning around the corner and adjusting my bag strap as I feel to find my keys at my pockets.

"I am going to die." Camila seriously said, I laughed harder. She is really a dork more than me and I am fully aware that she's the one who am I going to kneel on the ground at the future.

I opened the door. I looked around then close my eyes as I inhale the presence of the four walled room.

"Don't tell me you're having a mini you moment while you opened the door." She smirks but then laugh contagiously. I rolled my eyes as I guessed she heard what I usually do when I got a work to do. 'Cause one time I dragged her with and she just tease me around, distracting me in my work. But I didn't complain I love her to the sun and beyond.

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