let's stay in our pajamas

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I parked my car on her driveway and saw her car infront of the garage. I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat before taking out the key from the ignition then getting out of the car.
I locked the door before making my way down her house. I ascends towards the porch, three step stairs and knocked twice when I reached the door.

I waited for a while. With patient may I add because I've been calling her many times on my way here but no one, even her, could answer the phone. I'm getting worried. Y/N would answer my call immediately once she saw my name and already heard her greetings but this morning she didn't. 

I huff out a breathe and looked at my phone, to see I'm already waiting for five minutes.

I knocked loudly twice but someone called from behind.

"Oh! hey, Miss Camila."

I turned around and gave her a small smile. I walked down the porch and hugged her. "Hey, Mrs. Vendivell. How have you been?." Y/N's old neighbor across the street.

"Please, Camila. Call me Elizabeth. I'm good how about you?" She pulled away, and I giggled when she gave me a cute wide smile.

"I'm fine, but I don't think Y/N is. I've been calling her many times but she didn't answer any of those calls." I pouted.

Elizabeth chuckled, adjusting her grocery bag on her shoulder. "She came alone last night, I saw her when I was taking out the trash and she waved then gave me a smile. Don't worry, she's okay. Haven't she opened the door yet?"

I shaked my head, crossing my arms. "No, I've knocked many times but still no answer."

"She's there, maybe sleeping. Look underneath the mat if she ever left her keys there." Eli pointed her lips towards the mat and I giggled, nodding to myself.

"Okay, I will. Thank you."

"No problemo, kid. And please kiss her cheek for me, will you?" She waved goodbye, turning around to walk slowly across the street.

"Will do!" I yelled at her and she waved again before disappearing towards her house.

I pursed my lips walking to her door again. Scrunching down and lift the mat lightly and sighed in relief when I saw a shiny small metal laying down there.

I grabbed the key excitedly and kissed it but I stick out my tounge in disgust when I feel dust on my lips.

I wiped my lips, putting the key on the key hole and twisting it, to hear it clicked. I smiled widely, opening the door and switched on the light when darkness welcomed me.

I closed the door behind me, taking off my heels and jacket putting it on the hanger before I looked to the living room and kitchen to see the lights are off. After I turned on the lights, I decided to checked on the stairs.

I heard the wood cracked as I stepped my foot on the stairs.

When I reached her door, I twist the knob and sighed happily.

Y/N is laying on her stomach on the bed while snoring lightly. And I approached the window to clutched the curtain and put them aside to let the sunlight lighten up the room a bit.

I heard a groaned from behind me and I turned my head to see Y/N putting a pillow over her head to hide her face. I let out a giggle as I walked on her bed and sat beside her body.

I clutched the pillow and throw it to the side and heard her groaned again. I laughed loudly, pushing her body to lay on her back before nudging her shoulder to wake up.

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