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I caught sight of my brother when I stepped my foot down the last step of the stairs, he's watching his favorite show as I smirked knowingly and decided to approach him. I am currently done with my assignments that is due by friday. I want my papers done before anyone else cause I don't want them crawling up my ass when the time comes. But mostly I'm not the type of person who is working in the last minute of the day before it's due that scenario made me cringe I would look like a freaking horde editing and re-rewriting the papers. I believe in suffer comes first before the fun, and that's why I'm in relief cause I'm having my fun now.

I casually plop beside my younger brother, Winsley as he ignored me and continuously giggle whenever there's a funny scene. I looked at him prolongly as he remained his stance, I smile innocently when I repeatedly tapped his shoulders and he looked at me with those brown orbs curiously. He seems to caught on, on what am I doing as his curiousity loomed down and replaced with emotionless face.

"What?" Winsley grumbled, averting his gaze towards the tv when he saw me still smiling at him.

"Oh nothing. I'm just kind of curious." I licked my lips and leaned against the couch while crossing my arms getting comfortable.

I saw him raised his eyebrows still looking at the tv as he open his mouth."This should be good, Y/N. please don't waste my time I'm watching my favorite show." I chuckled, while shaking my head.

"This is good, so you should be listening to me."

He looked at me, blinking his eyes as I guess his debating whether to believe me or not. But he shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head. "Okay, I'm listening."

"I'm just curious as to why they called it Ben 10 when it should be 13. Since Ben's omnitrix had 13 heroes." I innocently confessed my curiousity as his eyes glared at me and mumbled quitely under his breath. He averted his again at the tv and ignored me.

"What?! That's what I get from telling what's on my mind?" I exclaimed loudly, wailing my hands around and saw he bite his lip refraining himself to laugh as he continued to ignore me.

I huffed playfully and looked away from him. "I do not liked it when you  ignore me, brother. It's kind of rude and I'm just stating what's on my mind. Cause it's really pointless when Ben had 13 heroes because kids would be dissapointed when the show didn't include those 3 when they are supposed to be 13." I babbled incredulously. Then suddenly I heard a laugh coming from beside me as I looked at him, he's eyes are crinkled and half of body is almostly leaning on the couch as he laugh contagiously.

"Shut up, you don't even watch this show anymore." He giggles after he recovered from his laughter fit. He leaned his body against mine and clutch his smalls hands on my arms as his eyes looked at me with something on them that I couldn't pinpoint. "I do, but I'm just busy at school y'know how much I really love math." I pressed my lips in thin line as my brother cringed when he heard the subject at hand. He scrunches his face cutely as he pouted. "I don't even liked that subject. I just listen to the teacher because all of my classmates are listening." I laughed at him and ruffles his hair. "And that's why I need you to buy me a pizza."

My laugh immediately subsided and looked at him with a poker face. "But that's is not enough reason for me to buy you a pizza."

"Yes it is, I laughed at your silly corny confession even though it is not funny and I don't want you to hurt your ego." He admitted, as his stomach grumbled into emptiness.

I gasped fakingly and stood up, making my way to the kitchen. "So rude brother, but that's quite not funny too."

"You're not fumny too, but your face is so funny." He yelled back when I entered the kitchen, I flipped him over in return. I sat on the stool and grabbed my phone to dialed the most delicious pizza enterprise that is ever made. The call is immediately picked up and I'm greeted with the most cheerful voice that I'd heard in this fine evening hour. "Hello, Ma'am/Sir you've come across the fine dinest delicious pizzaeria of your life, what  can I get you?"

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