a/n: please read.

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Woah guys.

You are all insane, but in a good way. Seriously I am not expecting this, that my book will reached 2.2k reads and counting like wtf?. I am not really expecting this at all, not in my entire life. You guys are 2.2k plus people who believed in me and I couldn't thank you enough for all the time and effort in reading this book. I am just really speechless. Out of all people, or writers, you choose to read mine and that action made my heart flutter. This book really mean a lot to me, and you guys too. I wouldn't be this person I am right now if it weren't for your support guys. I am really thankful and grateful for sticking up in this journey. And I'm really sorry for any mistakes I have made don't worry I'll get better.

I wish you all the best of the best.

Keep rocking this cruel world even if it may not have go your way, I know you're a rockstar you'll do anything what you want and if it makes you happy, so be it. F*ck them all.

I'll delete this later probably, but guys if you had request just hit me up and if your feeling all alone hit me up too, it's free don't worry. Please bare with me, I am currently struggling to think of plot a right now and I'm taking my time to give my best to you guys. Plus school is making me busy rn. Keep educated.

And that's it, see you guys on the next update. Thank you so much again and again.

Ps. I love you all guys.

Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now